Upcoming Cognitive Science events

There are lots of people coming to UMass (and Smith) to give CogSci talks after break – here is a list.

March 19th, 4pm Weinstein Auditorium, Smith College
Richard Aslin (Yale University) ?
“What Looking Times and Brain Imaging Can Tell Us About Attention and Learning in Infants”

March 30th, 3:30, ILC N400
Colin Phillips (https://www.colinphillips.net) Linguistics colloquium

April 13th, 2:30, ILC N400
Music and Language CogSci Incubator
Stephanie Acevedo (https://stefanieacevedo.com)
David Temperley (http://davidtemperley.com)

April 19th, 1:00, ILC N400
Robert Siegler (http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~siegler/) “Numerical Development”

April 20th, 3:30, ILC S131
Sue Carey (https://psychology.fas.harvard.edu/people/susan-e-carey) “Do Non-Linguistic Creatures have a Fodorian (Logic-Like/Language-Like) Language of Thought?”

April 27th, 3:30, ILC N400
Meghan Clayards (https://www.mcgill.ca/linguistics/people/faculty/clayards) Linguistics colloquium

May 19-20th, South College Room W245
Lynschrift18: A conference to honor Lyn Frazier on the occasion of her retirement (https://websites.umass.edu/lynschrift18/program/)