Lisa Sanders (UMass PBS) will present “A Potential Measure of Phonological Processing During Natural Speech Comprehension: One Year Later” in the Cognitive Brown Bag meeting at noon Weds. Sept. 11. These meetings are held in Tobin 521B and all are welcome. The schedule for the rest of the semester follows the abstract.
Abstract. Last year I told the cognitive brownbag group about a line of research that I wasn’t quite sure what to do with. Feedback during that talk led to a follow-up study with promising preliminary results, and an upcoming R01 submission. This year I can tell you about two distinct measures of phonetic and phonological processing during natural speech comprehension.
9/18 – p value discussion
9/25 –
10/2 – Ethics presentation (second year students)
10/9 – Erika Mayer (UMass Linguistics)
10/16 – Stacey Wetmore (Roanoke College)
10/23 – Glenn Baker (Mt. Holyoke)
10/30 – Shota Momma (UMass Linguistics)
11/6 – Julian Jara-Ettinger (Yale)
11/20 – Xingshan Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
12/4 – Guillaume Pagnier (Brown Ph.D. student)
12/11 – Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki (TERC)