On March 8, Will Hopper (UMass) will give the next Cognitive Bag Lunch presentation at 12pm in Tobin 521B. All are welcome!
Title: Convergent Retrieval Learning: An Account of the Testing Effect
Abstract: Studies contrasting the effect of restudy and retrieval practice on memory retention reveal that restudying produces better memory in the short term, while a practice test produces better retention over time. There is not a clear, process based explanation of this “testing effect”, and it is difficult to reconcile with extant memory models. I propose a novel account that extends the foundation of two-stage memory models and assumes successful recall benefits memory due to a selective enhancement for the second stage of recall (dubbed Convergent Retrieval). Data from three new experiments confirm predictions of the Convergent Retrieval account about the effect of retrieval practice on the transfer of learning between retrieval cues and for recall latencies.