Interdisciplinary language research seed grants

The Cognitive Science Initiative offers seed grants with a usual maximum of $1000 to help launch new interdisciplinary research on language. These grants have been made possible by a faculty gift targeted at interdisciplinary research on language (see the Support page for further details).

Funds can be used to pay experimental participants, for student salaries, or for any other research-related purpose.

Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. If you have a proposal you’d like to submit, or any other questions, please send an e-mail to

A proposal should take the form of a one-page .pdf file, formatted at minimum 12-point single-spaced with 1 inch margins. Tables, graphs and references can be on a separate page.

It must include the following information:

1. Name and e-mail address of the contact person for the proposal
2. The names and e-mail addresses of at least two faculty sponsors of the research from at least two of the departments in the Cognitive Science Initiative
3. A description of the research project
4. A budget

All successful applicants will be obliged to submit a one-page description of results.