class cutting higher ed

  1. neoliberal-conference-poster-final Dan Clawson, Max Page. (2011) The Future of Higher Education, excerpts, Routledge.
  2. Jon Queally.  Offering Model for World, Students in the UK March for ‘Free Education’. Common Dreams.  November 19, 2914
  3. In the above article, survey at least a dozen #FreeEducation tweets and some of the links, e.g. including the Student Assembly Against Austerity, the National Campaign Against Fees and Cutsand the Young Greens.
  4. In the above article, read the SAAA Student Manifesto
  5. View the YouTube video (below) What Happened At The National Demo for #FreeEducation?   Nov 20, 2014



  1. As described by Clawson and Page (reading #1), discuss neoliberalism and its impact on higher education: historical context, who pays, and who goes.  What are your thoughts?
  2. What are the reasons advanced (pp.46-52) for a “paradigm shift” away from the ways in which neoliberalism is impacting higher ed?
  3. In relation to the UK students 11.19.14 march and demands for free public education (readings/video #2-5), after you’ve watched the video, what are the varied perspectives expressed in the interviews and general POV of the interviewer?  What do you think of their demands and points-of-view?  What’s the NUS?  NHS? If we were creating a Student Manifesto for young adults in the U.S., what might you put on that list of demands?

Written assignments are single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. Remember to proofread. Include a heading (single-spaced) that includes name, date, assignment title.  Turn in as a paper document.