class 17 global youth protests

Tunisians rally in Sidi Bouzid, Dec. 17, 2013, the birthplace of the Arab Spring to mark the third anniversary of the uprising.

The readings/videos portray a period of heightened youth movements around the world for varied forms of democratic rights.  The Arab Spring (2010) was a potent catalyst for Los Indignados (Spain) and Occupy Wall Street (2011).  How do we understand these mass youth protests?  What of their impacts and evolution?  How do these mobilizations compare to the agency of your generational cohorts?  


1.  Marta Ramoneda. [View slide show] In Want of Jobs, Protesters Take Over the Streets.  The New York Times.  June 6, 2011.

  1. Occupy Wall Street 951 cities 82 countries. SKY News. Oct 15, 2011

3.  What Happened At The National Demo for #FreeEducation?   Nov 20, 2014  

4.  Jon Queally.  Offering Model for World, Students in the UK March for ‘Free Education’. Common Dreams.  November 19, 2014

5.  In the above article, read the SAAA Student Manifesto

6.  Henry Giroux.  Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy. February 28, 2011.  Truthout.  pp. pp. 4, 8-12.

7.  View Chile Rising. Fault Lines, Al Jazeera English. January 2, 2012.

8. Optional, but strongly encouraged:  What Is Neoliberalism?   Dec. 31, 2020


  1.   What are some takeaways from these readings/videos?  Here’s some prompts:
  • What are some critiques issued by demonstrators?  What analysis is offered of root-systemic causes?
  • What forms do the protests take?  What do people do?  Say?  
  • What are some demands?
  • Your thoughts and feelings?
  1. In light of massive youth protests around the globe in 2011,  Henry Giroux (read #6) offers an analysis as to why youth in the U.S. are “left behind.”  What does he observe?  What are your thoughts?  What are your perceptions of political engagement by youth in the U.S.?  What are some obstacles?  What’s the role, if any, of the entertainment industries? 

3.  In a few sentences, what is the story told by the documentary Chile Rising (video #7)?   Select a sequence to share.  Write a two-sentence description summarizing the sequence and your interest.  Include running time location, e.g. [14:17].

Post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title.  Send link.   Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins.  Insert horizontal line between assignments.  Remember to proofread.

Italian students staged demonstrations Friday in 90 cities to protest privatization of public education Oct. 12, 2012

Italian students staged demonstrations Friday in 90 cities to protest privatization of public education Oct. 12, 2012