class 11 democracy & idiocy

1.  If you haven’t already done so, copy and paste class 8 funds of knowledge responses onto Google Survey form.  This was to be completed for class 10. 

2.  Read:  Walter C. Parker.  Teaching Democracy:  Unity and Diversity in Public Life.  Teachers College Press, 2003.  Ch. 1. From Idiocy to Citizenship, pp. 2-13.  

Reading questions – WRITTEN RESPONSES REQUIRED — 1-2 pages.  Post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link.   Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins.  Insert horizontal line between assignments.  Remember to proofread.

  1. What are some takeaways?
  2. How does this resonate with your worldview, your sense of identity and agency?
  3. In relation to some of your entertainment industry pleasures, (e.g TV series, movies, video games, Tik Tok, sports, fashion, what else?) how would you assess their meanings on a continuum from idiocy to citizenship?  Discuss one or two. 

Monday, September 14th AGENDA LECTURE: Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome