For this assignment, you’ll need to enroll in the New York Times , free for all UMass students.
Reading questions; post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link.
- As a group, what is the story these readings tell? What are some common themes and concerns? In your discussion, work to include some takeaway(s) from each of the (4) readings/video.
- In relation to what’s conveyed in these reads, what are your thoughts and feelings? This could include a discussion of how it resonates with your lived experience.
1. Society of the Spectacle: Influencers & Guy Debord. Video by PlasticPills July 15, 2019
2. Jess Butler. Angela McRobbie. Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change. International Journal of Communication 3 (2009)
3. Read all (6) posts on Women’s Oppression: @fightagainstwomensoppression. These were done as part of the final project for Comm39ss, Fall 2020.
4. Samantha Hunt. What Is a Teenage Girl? The New York Times, January 22, 2021.