Barbara Kruger
Overview: questions of democracy and corporate power are discussed in terms of the “externalities” of consumerism. “Solutions” suggests a paradigm shift.
- Erik Olin Wright, Joel Rogers. (2009) Draft Chapter 16. Democracy: how it works in American Society: How It Really Works. W.W. Norton. pp. 1-7.
- Watch video: Justin Lewis. Consumerism and the Limits of Imagination. Media EducationFoundation, 2014.
Available through Kanopy media on the UMass library site. Two ways to access Kanopy:
- On campus: https://umass.kanopy.com/
- Off campus, search for “UMass library Kanopy.”
- Annie Leonard. The Story of Solutions. Oct 1, 2013
Reading questions – written response required
- What do these texts say about the relationship between democracy, corporate power and “externalities”? In your discussion:
- Draw from these texts to offer a definition of democracy and externality.
- In what ways if any, does the discussion about consumerism and “externalities” resonate with your experience?
- Your thoughts?
- The videos call for imagining and enacting “solutions” to the ”externality” problems of consumerism. What’s your exposure to alternative ways of thinking about the growth paradigm? Thoughts on how such a shift away from consumerism might occur.
Written assignments are single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. Remember to proofread. First page should have a heading (single-spaced) with name, date, assignment title.