class 13 devices Gen Like

Kayla Rybacki, YDEI, Fall 2014

  1. Mark Hertsgaard, Mark Dowie. The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones. The Guardian, July 14, 2018.
  2. Annie Leonard. The Story of Electronics. The Story of Stuff Project. November 4, 2010.

  1. View the Frontline documentary Generation Like.


  1. What’s the relationship between these three texts (reads/videos)? Here’s some prompts; you needn’t respond to each:
  • What do these texts say about youth, devices, and consumerism? How might you characterize the symbiotic relationship?
  • In relation to principles of democracy, is there “freedom of choice”?
  • Your responses to all this information? How does the Gen Like documentary resonate with your experience?
  1. SELECT A SEQUENCE from Generation LIke TO SHARE IN CLASS by noting running time location, e.g. 23:30.

Written assignments are single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. Remember to proofread. First page should have a heading (single-spaced) with name, date, assignment title.