- Mark Hertsgaard, Mark Dowie. The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones. The Guardian, July 14, 2018.
- Annie Leonard. The Story of Electronics. The Story of Stuff Project. November 4, 2010.
- View the Frontline documentary Generation Like. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/generation-like/
- What’s the relationship between these three texts (reads/videos)? Here’s some prompts; you needn’t respond to each:
- What do these texts say about youth, devices, and consumerism? How might you characterize the symbiotic relationship?
- In relation to principles of democracy, is there “freedom of choice”?
- Your responses to all this information? How does the Gen Like documentary resonate with your experience?
- SELECT A SEQUENCE from Generation LIke TO SHARE IN CLASS by noting running time location, e.g. 23:30.
Written assignments are single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. Remember to proofread. First page should have a heading (single-spaced) with name, date, assignment title.