Grace Schultz, class 12, 5.2.22
- Review Google slide document of all Adbuster-styled flyers produced for class 12.
- View all the slides to see what your cohorts have done.
- Assess what works and could work better. Consider such factors as
- Balance of visual and textual dimensions
- Is written text of a legible size?
- Is the meaning understandable for those who don’t know specific show/genre/issue details?
- Regarding the last bullet point, is meaning understandable for those without specific details, if not, please write a paragraph or a few that offer that such context.
- Written text might appear on, or outside the flyer in the surrounding frame, or even on a separate slide. Use your intuition.
- Print out (2) copies of each flyer. The intent is to post them as part of the installation. In class we discussed the challenges of printing these out on 8×11 paper. If it’s not too burdensome, make (2) printouts of your flyers; in color or black and white. However, if it’s too much of a stretch, no worries.
Shermarie Hyppolite, Class 12, 5.2.22
- Review Google slide document of all Adbuster-styled flyers produced for class 12.