For your topic, do a preliminary study of legacy media (e.g. New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek) and social media (youth-driven). For those who weren’t in Tuesday’s class, to select a topic, draw upon what you wrote for class 15: issues, industries.
- For your topic, find two quality sources for each media genre — legacy media and social media — for a total of 4. For your social media selections, try to find one that is a short video, e.g. TikTok, that can be shared in class.
- Write annotations for each for a total of four. Follow annotation guidelines, including URL link.
- Work to apply media literacy questions, particularly focusing on #2. Who tells the story: voices, ideology, pov; and #3. Story not told: is context addressed? Are root causes, root solutions and strategies for change considered?
- Post to your rolling Google doc with date, assignment title. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread. Send link to instructor.