Dan Clawson, Max Page. (2011) The Future of Higher Education, excerpts, Routledge.
- Jon Queally. Offering Model for World, Students in the UK March for ‘Free Education’. Common Dreams. November 19, 2914
- In the above article, survey at least a dozen #FreeEducation tweets and some of the links, e.g. including the Student Assembly Against Austerity, the National Campaign Against Fees and Cutsand the Young Greens.
- In the above article, read the SAAA Student Manifesto
- View the YouTube video (below) What Happened At The National Demo for #FreeEducation? Nov 20, 2014
- As described by Clawson and Page (reading #1), discuss neoliberalism and its impact on higher education: historical context, who pays, and who goes. What are your thoughts?
- What are the reasons advanced (pp.46-52) for a “paradigm shift” away from the ways in which neoliberalism is impacting higher ed?
- In relation to the UK students 11.19.14 march and demands for free public education (readings/video #2-5), after you’ve watched the video, what are the varied perspectives expressed in the interviews and general POV of the interviewer? What do you think of their demands and points-of-view? What’s the NUS? NHS? If we were creating a Student Manifesto for young adults in the U.S., what might you put on that list of demands?
Written assignments are single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. Remember to proofread. Include a heading (single-spaced) that includes name, date, assignment title. Turn in as a paper document.