James Hough @ http://www.realcostofprisons.org/comix/hough/
Overview: Write a written response to an hour of short videos on systemic racism; and our own agency to envision changing these systems.
Reading questions – written responses required — no more than two paragraphs
- What are your responses to these videos?
- What do they say about systemic racism? How are the patterns interrelated?
- In what ways, if any, do they compare to the focus of Red Table Talk?
- In what way, if any, do the entertainment industries inform and empower you to change these systems? Are they committed to changing these systems?
- View Michelle Alexander videos (2) on the New Jim Crow
The New Jim Crow – Mass Incarceration 1. [6.48] Uploaded on Mar 12, 2010
The New Jim Crow – Mass Incarceration 2. [5.16]
2. Kimberle Crenshaw. The Urgency of Intersectionality. TED Talk, Dec 7, 2016. [18.49.]
- Segregated by Design. April 5, 2019 [17.40]