1. Read three zines and write response notes:
Zine one: Danny Caine 2019, “How To Resist Amazon and Why”.
Zine two: IdeasInPictures#4
Zine three: Di, 2022, I Dislike Social Media
For these zines write response notes responding to following prompts; post to your rolling Google doc with assignment date and title.
- Thoughts on content & form: story it tells, how it’s told in written text, images, overall sequence, how they integrate information?
- How do they compare?
- What do they say about strategies for change?
2. Brainstorming exercise: having read the above zines, write out a few (2-3) ideas for zine pages for the topic you’re exploring. This might draw from your annotations, lived experiences, ideas for follow-up research. For each idea, write no more than a sentence or two.
3. How is your topic represented in images and words?
Do some online research to collect images on your topic. Find at least 2-3 and copy/paste onto your Google doc. Include URL for where they were found.
Some things to consider:
- differences between generic Google images and photographs of particular things that stand for your topic, e.g. for device addiction, youth on their cellphones.
- how image and text are combined
Some possible directions:
- Visual representations of your topic: what kinds of images stand for the issues you’re raising?
- Cartoon-like illustrations done by professionals, done by amateurs.
- Collage-like assemblages of images and text.
- Memes created on and/or related to your topic.
- Zines on your topic.
- Personal photographs.
- Screen shots from social media sites, e.g. Instagram, TikTok.
- What else?
Post all the above to your rolling Google doc. Include assignment date, title. Send link to instructor: jsaxe@comm.umass.edu