class 7  youth agency, “urban youth,” hip-hop


  1. Read Tricia Rose.  “A Style Nobody Can Deal With:  Politics, Style & the Postindustrial City” in Hip Hop. Microphone Friends:  Youth Music & Youth Culture, (1994) , pp. 71-88.
  2. View documentary:  Style Wars (1983).  Tony Silver, Henry Chalfant.  1 hr, 10 mins.


Reading questions – WRITTEN RESPONSES REQUIRED — 1-2 pages.  Post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link.   Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins.  Insert horizontal line between assignments.  Remember to proofread.

  1. From the Tricia Rose essay, (#1), what are some takeaways?  Some prompts:
    1.  In a few sentences, what’s the story of Hip Hope she tells?   
    2.  What are some historical forces? 
    3.  Thoughts, questions?
  2. Your response to Style Wars.  
    1.  In a few sentences, what’s the story it tells?
    2.  Some takeaways?
    3.  How does this documentary story compare to what you know of Hip Hop and your understandings of its evolution of to the present?
  3.  Select a sequence from Style Wars to share in class;  a sequence might be in the range of 3-5 minutes.  Write a one-sentence description of that sequence and another sentence on why you chose it.  Include it’s running time time location, e.g. 42.00.