- Read Tricia Rose. “A Style Nobody Can Deal With: Politics, Style & the Postindustrial City” in Hip Hop. Microphone Friends: Youth Music & Youth Culture, (1994) , pp. 71-88.
- View documentary: Style Wars (1983). Tony Silver, Henry Chalfant. 1 hr, 10 mins.
Reading questions – WRITTEN RESPONSES REQUIRED — 1-2 pages. Post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread.
- From the Tricia Rose essay, (#1), what are some takeaways? Some prompts:
- In a few sentences, what’s the story of Hip Hope she tells?
- What are some historical forces?
- Thoughts, questions?
- Your response to Style Wars.
- In a few sentences, what’s the story it tells?
- Some takeaways?
- How does this documentary story compare to what you know of Hip Hop and your understandings of its evolution of to the present?
- Select a sequence from Style Wars to share in class; a sequence might be in the range of 3-5 minutes. Write a one-sentence description of that sequence and another sentence on why you chose it. Include it’s running time time location, e.g. 42.00.