In relation to youth, democracy, and the entertainment industries, what do you want to study? What should our topics be? What are some critical issues?
In what ways may the topics we select draw upon your “funds of knowledge”: creative skills and practices (e.g. user generated content, being an maker-influencer), work/internship experiences, youth cohort associations, professional connections/directions/aspirations, political activist engagements, entertainment industry passions, pleasures, what else?
As we’ve spent in the last two weeks looking at the creativity of urban youth and systemic racism they face, a second set of prompts asks you to reflect on courses in your undergraduate education – past, present – that have addressed issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
On your rolling Google doc, write in sentence-paragraph form to the following prompts:
- Personal connections, funds of knowledge
In relation to youth, democracy, and the entertainment industries, what do you want to study? Going forward, what should our topics be? What are some critical issues? How do they connect with your lived experiences? Here’s some prompts:
- What are particular topics of special interest you want to take on as an individual and/or or group focus? This could include particular issues facing youth (e.g. economic debt, mental health) and/or industries that have particular prominence in youth lives. You could focus on particular entertainment industry passions and pleasures to scrutinize in relation to questions of youth and democracy.
- What are some personal connections — funds of knowledge – you bring to the YDEI topic? This could include creative skills and practices (e.g. user generated content, being a maker-influencer, media production), work/internship experiences, youth cohort associations, professional directions, political activist engagements, entertainment industry passions and pleasures, what else?
- In undergraduate courses you’ve taken – past, present – how are issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity addressed — or not?
- List relevant courses, content, and learning activities; include their department, e.g. Communication, History, Biology, English.
- To do this, it might be helpful to go to My Course History on SPIRE.
- From what you recollect, what are some takeaways? What stays with you? Concepts, histories, issues, readings, films, other media, methodologies, assignments?
- In what ways, if any, has this learning impacted your worldview? Your ways of thinking and acting in the world?
- In what ways, if any, has praxis – integrating theory and practice for social change – been part of these courses?
- In these courses, what worked, and what could work better?
WRITTEN RESPONSES REQUIRED — Post to rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread.