George Tyler. The Codetermination Difference. The American Propsect, Jan 10, 2019.
- Nathan Schneider, Trebor Scholz . What If We Owned the Internet Together_ It’s Time to Bring the Co-op Revolution to the Web. YES! Magazine. November 9, 2015.
- Susan Crawford. Cities are Teaming Up to Offer Broadband, and the FCC is Mad. WIRED, September 27, 2018.
- Community Broadband – A Level Playing Field? Community Broadband Networks. July 11, 2011.
5. Mondragon: A Better Way to Go to Work? The Oklahoma City Catholic Worker.
6. Spanish Cooperative Mondragon Weathers the Financial Storm. Al Jazeera English. March 22, 2012.
- Discuss these (6) readings/videos that present models of economic democracy based on horizontalism (over hierarchy) and the common good.
- Summarize some of the basic ideas, practices, and challenges.
- Your awareness of such alternatives and thoughts about them.
- Thoughts on how they might be applied to particular entertainment industries? You might pick one in particular to brainstorm what an alternative system might look like.
Written assignments should be single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins all around. PROOFREAD! First page should have a heading (single-spaced) with name, date, and assignment title. Hand-written responses accepted only if fully legible.