Working with a partner, create some way of mapping levels of oppression outlined in the varied readings and videos from class 9 on “urban youth” and the New Jim Crow. Ideally this would engage a visual mapping process; since you’ll be using Google docs, this may not be immediately possible.
View and download the illustrations, Free at Last, Cycles of Exile, from the Real Costs of Prisons Project website. Comic book-graphic novel illustration style is used to map some levels of institutional racism we’re discussing.
As folks suggested in class, use a Google doc to write out your responses and share with your partner. As best as possible, shape a collaborative document that melds both your responses.
- List the issues/problems/concerns.
- Name varied institutions discussed; include laws and practices, e.g. “War on Drugs,” hyperpolicing.
- Describe cultural narratives, symbols, meanings constructed in relation to the issues and institutions, e.g. teens involved in (subaltern[1]) drug economy labeled “superpredators.”
- Root causes: how, if at all, is this addressed?
- Roots solutions: how, if at all, is this addressed?
Print out a paper document to bring to class; and send links to your Google doc.
[1] In critical theory and postcolonialism, the term subaltern designates the populations which are socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland. Wikipedia