Find (2-3) source images for an Adbuster-styled collage on the relationship between youth and the entertainment industries. These will serve as a beginning image upon which you will collage written text and possibly other images to communicate critical meanings. The intent is also to create a collection of contemporary images that somehow characterize contemporary youth. The defined age group for “Youth” varies within the range of 15-24, though can stretch on both sides.
- Find trending, mainstream images of youth produced by the EIs, including social media; could include those produced by youth themselves, e.g. influencers.
- Find alternative images of youth that project critical, oppositional, countercultural meanings.
- For both categories — mainstream, alternative — select images that particularly speak to your interests, values, pleasures.
- For these two kinds of images, write about what they say about youth.
- Who produces these images, for what purpose/motive?
- What’s the story they tell?
- What are underlying cultural meanings: values, beliefs, norms, images of the ideal?
- What, if anything, do they say about democracy? Does this question even make sense?
- Sources: screenshots from social media, streaming sources, original photos, print publications, what else?
- Post in two places:
- Class 18 images of youth Google slide share
- Your rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread.