shaping a youth agenda for democracy in relation to the entertainment industries
Overview: read through the Praxis model outline, watch the video on intersectionality, and write journal notes naming the issues drawing on your personal experiences and perspective.
Praxis model outline:
A critical pedagogy (Freire) model of praxis follows several steps. These include:
- naming the issues/problems/concerns
- analyzing these issues to discern systemic root causes, including mapping power structures
- formulating transformative visions: alternative paradigms, programmatic demands, and social change strategies to achieve those visions
- implementing these strategies for change
For class 7, write from your personal experience to name issues of concern in relation to youth, democracy, and the entertainment industries. Three questions:
- What are some critical issues facing youth?
- What are some critical issues facing youth in relation to the entertainment industries?
- What are particular issues related to the immediate systemic breakdown?
In your response, consider an intersectional framework that recognizes the interplay of race, class, gender, and other forms of discrimination/marginalization in determining individual and collective power — or lack thereof. Along these lines, here’s some prompts:
- As a woman, what are particular issues of democracy (or not) that young women are facing today, in general and in relation to the EIs?
- How does your class status impact your life? Work, college finances, what else?
- How does race affect your positional status? Agency?
In your response, work to include at least one story or some way of offering a bit more detail about the issue(s) of concern.
Write several (2-3) paragraphs max. on your rolling Google doc. Send link by our next class meeting. (9.15.20)