Overview: The oppression (power) matrix (reading #1) offers one model of systems thinking to analyze relationships between institutions, culture, and individual agency. These readings present some aspects of the sports industries and the culture it produces. The prompts for response notes ask you to do some charting of these levels of power and offer your perspective, including how it resonates with your experience.

The Socio-Ecological Model (of) Enough (Sexual) Abuse Frameworks for Prevention
Reading questions – WRITTEN RESPONSES REQUIRED — 1-2 pages. Post to your rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread.
- On the Oppression Matrix, take (brief) notes that summarize elements of the model and some important meanings.
The next questions apply to readings #2-#5.
- What are the institutions named in these readings. You are encouraged to add associated industry sectors that are part of the sports power structure but may not be directly named.
- What are some cultural meanings these institutions reproduce? Elements of culture include values, norms, beliefs, worldview, and images of the ideal. Along these lines, If there are related terms and concepts in the readings, please include.
- What are some underlying forces and motives that drive these institutions and the culture they produce? When possible, please include any information that amplifies these forces, e.g. industry profits, NCAA-cable-network relationships.
- What are your responses to the readings? Reference some specific information in the readings. How do they resonate with your experience?
- What does the power matrix of sports institutions and culture say about youth agency and democracy? In what ways, if any, do youth have any voice in shaping this power structure?

- Adams, M., Bell, L. A. & Griffin, P. (1997). Oppression Matrix. 1-page excerpt. Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice. Routledge: New York & London.
- Overman, S. (2019). Excerpts Ch. 5 Sports Culture Rules in the American High School. In Sports Crazy: How Sports are Sabotaging Ameican Schools. University Press of Mississippi: Jackson. Pp. 89-97, 106-109.
- Derek Thompson. American Meritocracy is Killing Youth Sports. The Atlantic. November 6, 2018.
- Jemele Hill. It’s Time for Black Athletes to Leave White Colleges. The Atlantic. October 2019.
- Michael Serazio. Why Andrew Luck’s Retirement Was So Shocking. New York Times, August 27, 2019.