1. Join class Facebook (FB) group Comm 397ss Fall 2021. If you don’t have a FB account, for this class, create an alias account. Do so by opening up a new Google account for a different Gmail; or use Hotmail or another free email service. Use this to set up your alias FB account. Give it whatever name you want; make sure to inform instructor of your alias so your contributions will be known.
2. On class FB page, post to class 6 illustration album. DO NOT POST TO FB “Discussion” section.
3. For this term, what topics should we study? Free write responses to:
- What are some important issues facing youth?
- What are some important issues facing youth in relation to the entertainment industries?
- What are 3-5 terms for democracy? Applying these terms, what are issues of democracy facing youth and the entertainment industries?
- Of these, what concerns might you want us to study?
- From what you wrote, find one online (or in-real-life) image that speaks to one of the issues about what you’ve written that for you, is a priority concern. It may be your response to #4. Upload to your rolling Google doc.
Post to your rolling Google doc with date, assignment title; send link. Single-spaced & typed in Times New Roman or Arial (size 12 font), 1-inch margins. Insert horizontal line between assignments. Remember to proofread.