Our class 3 discussion began to consider a historical formation of cultural production in the U.S. that was deeply tied to a left-wing “communist” political formation that elevated issues of class and racial injustice as central to building a movement to address the 1930s breakdown of the capitalist system, aka “The Great Depression.” (Wow; that’s a mighty long sentence.)
Free write responses to the following prompts:
1. How are issues of socioeconomic class represented by the Hollywood (HW) apparatus?
- Note: We still haven’t defined the boundaries of what is HW, so reference whatever for you, seems to fit.
- Provide some examples of how class is — or not — represented?
- In what ways, if any, are issues of class and race seen as intersectional?
- In what ways, if any, does your class status (positionality) impact how you see “class” portrayed?
2. How does socioeconomic class fit in discourses of “diversity and inclusion”? Here’ some prompts:
- In the first half of the term, in this course, how have issues of class and Hollywood been addressed?
- In other courses in the Dept. of Communication and beyond, how are issues of class (inequality) and representation addressed?
- How is socioeconomic class and (Hollywood) representation addressed in social media streams that address issues of diversity and inclusion; and/or, how is class part of the discourse in any social media streams you favor?
- In these social media streams, in what ways, if any, are intersections of race and class addressed?
- What are your thoughts on how class fits into “diversity and inclusion”?
3. How is activism represented by Hollywood? Here’s some prompts:
- How are activists represented?
- Collective activism? Around class inequality/poverty/capitalism, workers’ rights and the labor movement, housing affordability/homelessness, racism (systemic/interpersonal), sexism/misogyny/rape culture, gender identity/queer culture, ableism, ageism, immigrant rights, climate crisis, what else?
- In what ways, if any, might these representations impact y/our perspective on activism?
- How is collective activism on any of these issues part of the social media streams you follow? If so, provide some examples.
Reading questions – post on your rolling Google doc. Send link to instructor: jsaxe@umass.edu. Include date and name of assignment at the top of your response notes. Single-space, proof-read. No more than 1-2 pages.