Cracking Comcast Fall ’11 Dorothy Chin, Adam Abdelmaksoud, Vanessa Krejcir
Fall ’11 Caitlin Snider, Christina D’Allessaadro, Erika Stigliano
Global Youth Protests
Researching Student Movements Fall ’12 Ben Lambert
The Music Industry 101 Sp’ 09
Youth Economic Situation
YouthTube Fall ’10 John B., Zach, T.Llew
Shop til we Drop: can we afford our lifestyles? Spring ‘10 Chelsea Barr
Real S**t: Leaving Life Beyond Our Means Spring ’10 Natasha Labbe, Donald Leonard
beautiful inside my head Spring ’09 Joe Palumbo
Body Image/Gender Representation
Dying to Conform Spring ’10 Kayce Kerr
Women in Ads Fall ‘08 Patricia Johnson
Mental Health/Stress
Stressed Spring ’10 Hallie Acton
Racism on TV
Racism in Sitcoms Fall ’08 Megan Fontecchio
Modern Black Sitcoms & Dramas Spring ’10 Willis Taylor
The Disney Influence Fall ‘10 Effie, Samantha , Jen, Laura, Neely , Anna
Mobile Devices
SMARTPHONE MANIA: An Unstoppable Power? Fall ’10 Geoffrey Ogunlesi
Sports Fall ’10 Steve Tyree, Bill Trainor
The Sports Media and Today’s Athlete Fall ’08 Ryan Settler