No Impact Week 2013!

The Campus Sustainability Initiative, in conjunction with the University’s Common Read, is sponsoring “No Impact Week” from October 6-12, 2013.  According to organizers, No Impact Week is a one-week “carbon cleanse”:

It is a chance for you to see what a difference no-impact living can have on your quality of life. It’s not about giving up creature comforts but an opportunity for you to test whether the modern “conveniences” you take for granted are actually making you happier or just eating away at your time and money. Each day of the week features an aspect of impact in your life. One day you’ll find out just how much waste you create in a day by carrying it around with you wherever you go. Another day you’ll evaluate how far your food travels to get to your plate and make an effort to eat foods grown within 100 miles of where you live.

Here is the daily event calendar:


To participate, stop by the Lincoln Campus Center Concourse between 10 am – 2 pm every day this week – or, for more information, click here.

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