The primary venue for the conference will be the newly constructed conference facilities of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague:
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha 6 Suchdol, Czech Republic
Arriving to Prague
International visitors can reach Prague by air to Vaclav Havel Airport, or by train, bus and car from other major cities in Europe. Most major carriers have flights into Prague, with regular service from most European airports by Czech Airlines (CSA), and Frankfurt via Lufthansa, Amsterdam via KLM, London via British Airways and many other carriers.
Transportation within the City
From Prague Vaclav Havel Airport
Prague’s Václav Havel Airport is situated 15 km west of the city centre, and only 5 km from the university (if you go by taxi or by car).
To the University by taxi (10 minutes):
Ask the taxi driver to take you to Ceska zemedelska univerzita, Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha Suchdol via Horomerice. The price of a taxi from the airport to CULS campus should not exceed 400 CZK (about $16 US).
To the University by public transport (35 minutes):
Right outside the airport Terminal 1 (arrivals from non-Shengen countries) or Terminal 2 (arrivals from Shengen countries) you will find bus No. 119. You can buy a transportation ticket either at the Prague Metropolitan Transport counter, or at the automatic ticket dispenser right next to the bus stop. The ticket costs 32 CZK, and is valid for 90 minutes (you must stamp the ticket in the yellow meter in the bus), including any connecting public transport in Prague (buses, trams or metro). Bus No 119 brings passengers from the Václav Havel airport to the Veleslavín station, on Metro Line A (green line). Take the Metro line A direction Skalka(or Depo Hostivar) and get off at Metro A station Dejvicka (2nd stop from Veleslavin). At Dejvická, you transfer to bus No. 107 or 147 to Suchdol. Get off at the bus stop “Zem?d?lská univerzita”. The stop is announced on the bus public address system and you can also read it othe digital display. The ride by bus from Dejvicka takes 10 minutes.
From Train Stations Hlavni Nadrazi (Main Train Station downtown) and Holesovice
Passengers travelling to Prague by train come to either of the two central railway stations: Hlavni nádrazi or Nadrazi Holesovice. Both train stations are on Metro Line C (red line). Hlavni nádrazi is the terminus for trains arriving from the West or East (e.g. Paris, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Zurich, Warsaw, Moscow). NadraziHolesovice is for trains coming from other directions (e.g. Berlin, Dresden, Budapest, Zagreb).
In order to get to Metro A station Dejvicka, first take Metro C (red line) direction Haje, and change at Metro C station Muzeum to Metro A (green line) direction Nemocnice Motol. Get off at Metro A station Dejvicka. At Dejvická, you get on bus No. 107 or 147 and travel for 10 minutes to the bus stop called “Zemedelská univerzita”.
From Bus Terminal Florenc
Passengers coming by long distance buses or coaches from any direction and any country arrive at the Autobusové nádraží Florenc (Bus Terminal Florenc), which is next to the Florenc Metro (undeground) station, where two Metro lines (B = yellow line and C = red line) cross.
You can get to Dejvická (see above instructions) by taking Metro B (yellow line) direction Zlicin to M?stekstation (2 stops), where you must transfer to Metro A (green line) to Dejvicka. Or take Metro C (red line) direction Haje, and at station Muzeum transfer to Metro A (green line) direction Nemocnice Motol. Get off at Metro A station Dejvicka. At Dejvická, you get on bus No. 107 or 147 and travel for 10 minutes to the bus stop called “Zemedelská univerzita.” At Dejvicka you must take bus No.107 or 147 to Suchdol and get off at the bus stop ”Zemedelska univerzita”.