Every year in February, we celebrate Fair Use / Fair Dealing Week. This year, from February 20-24, libraries are hosting programs covering what’s new and what’s true about fair use. The Association of Research Libraries hosts FairUseWeek.org, and is a great place to get started finding fair use activities or basic information. Here are a…
Search: “fair use”
(This is a "Page")Fair Use
Fair use is the flexible guideline that enables people to use copyrighted works, without asking permission, in ways that are fair — for purposes such as “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research”[ref]Taken from the “preamble” to 17 U.S.C. 107.[/ref] — or parodies, critiques, reviews, search engines, text…
(This is a "Page")Fair Use Explained
Fair Use – Overview and Fair Use – Explained (a deeper dive) Fair use is one of many limitations and exceptions in copyright. Specifically, “fair use” in the United States refers to a section of the Copyright Act (17 USC § 107), that lists some examples of fair use, and then four factors to consider…
(This is a "Page")Fair Use Checklists, Tools, and Best Practice Guides
Fair Use Overview – Fair Use Explained Fair use is a thoroughly understandable, flexible doctrine. But, people sometimes benefit from seeing guidelines or best practices for applying fair use to their particular circumstances. Or, people who do not routinely need to do fair use calculations may feel they understand fair use, but want a tool…
(This is a "Page")Fair Use and Online Education – Other Resources
Fair Use Overview – Fair Use Explained (a deeper dive) Webinars from the American University, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, March through June 2020. Some webinars were split between K12 and higher ed; we have highlighted the higher ed webinars for those pairs. Reading Aloud: Fair Use Enables Translating Classroom Practices to Online…
Public Statement: Fair Use & Emergency Remote Teaching & Research
Library copyright experts (attorneys and librarians) have jointly published a “Public Statement on Fair Use & Emergency Remote Teaching and Research“. We hope this will clarify copyright questions for library and academic staff charged with rapidly transitioning classes to online, when students, faculty, and library staff may have not had time or the ability to…
(This is a "Page")Fair Use Overview
Fair Use – Overview and Fair Use – Explained (a deeper dive) Fair use is the right to use copyrighted content, without permission. If a use is a “fair use”, then it is not a copyright infringement! No permission or notice is required; no apology is needed. What kinds of uses can be fair uses? All sorts of…
Authors Guild v. Google – 2nd Circuit affirms fair use
The Authors Guild v. Google decision from the 2nd Circuit is out, strongly affirming fair use. PDF attached….
copying to learn : Fair use makes it possible
My kid’s elementary school has an amazing arts program, and they routinely display kids’ artwork all over the school. I was admiring a new African-American history themed exhibition, and appreciating how fair use makes this possible — likely, without any consideration of copyright or fair use by the instructors or administrators, and certainly without any…
fair use quiz : paraphrasing a famous quote
For Fair Use Week, I offered a small “fair use” quiz to colleagues. I listed a dozen or so different scenarios, taken from famous or recently-well-publicized fair use cases, and made a simple paraphrase of the case, with a “fair use” or “license it” choice. At the end of the survey (which was anonymous), I…