Superbowl trademark humor

The overly protectionist attitude of lawyers towards certain high-profile trademarks, copyrights, and patents, has become legendary among fans and scholars.  The attitude is particularly prevalent in sports.  The Olympics took it the US Supreme Court.  The World Cup has issued many a “takedown notice”. The NFL and the Superbowl are not immune, and we intellectual…Continue Reading Superbowl trademark humor


Elsevier is, for better or worse, the academic publisher that everyone loves to hate.  They have become the poster-child for everything that is wrong with for-profit paywalled access to scholarship and knowledge. Here’s an amusing take-off on “Elsebeer”: Perhaps the funniest part of it is that several people I’ve shown it to have been, at least…Continue Reading “Elsebeer”

RIP Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 – Open Access Activist

R.I.P. Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 Aaron Swartz, an open access activist, committed suicide on Friday, January 10, 2013. He was facing a 13-count indictment from the US Dept. of Justice for breaking into JStor, an academic articles database, although JStor had dropped all charges. Academics worldwide have begun releasing their papers as a tribute, posting the…Continue Reading RIP Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 – Open Access Activist

Buffy Versus Edward – War on Cited Remix Video

Buffy Versus Edward – War on Cited Remix Video (Jan. 9, 2013) The acclaimed remix video “Buffy Versus Edward”, which critiques gender politics in the “Twilight” movies, was removed from YouTube as a copyright violation of Lionsgate’s movies – despite Lionsgate’s admission just the previous month that the video was a fair use.  See video…Continue Reading Buffy Versus Edward – War on Cited Remix Video

The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (or not)

Cover of “The Copyright Extension Collection” The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (or not) / Jan. 8, 2013 — A new Bob Dylan release of only 100 copies was designed to exploit copyright extension in Europe – See “Bob Dylan’s label releases ultra rare box set to exploit copyright loophole”, Guardian, Jan. 8, 2013;  “Stuck Inside of Europe with the Copyright…Continue Reading The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (or not)

Orphan Works Notice of Inquiry from the Copyright Office

“Orphan Works” (Feb. 2013).The US Copyright Office has posted a “notice of inquiry” on orphan works and mass digitization.  Comments are due Feb. 4, 2013. “Orphan Works” (Dec 2012). The US Copyright Office has posted a “notice of inquiry” on orphan works and mass digitization. The Scholarly Communication Office is drafting a comment explaining the…Continue Reading Orphan Works Notice of Inquiry from the Copyright Office

Copyright News from 2012 – Nov. 28, 2012

Copyright News from 2012 Laura Quilter, UMass Amherst Libraries Version 1.1.  November 28, 2012   I. Teaching & Libraries Cambridge University Press v. Patton (Georgia State Univ. ereserves) Georgia State University was sued for its ereserves by university presses, bankrolled by CCC.  They changed their policy mid-stream, and because the publishers were only seeking an injunction, not…Continue Reading Copyright News from 2012 – Nov. 28, 2012

AIME v. UCLA – order dismissing the case is out

November 26, 2012Memo from the Scholarly Communication Office Nov. 26, 2012 – Case dismissed with prejudice. The court finally issued its order dismissing the case in the AIME v. UCLA case.  (The second amended complaint, in case you’re counting.)  In short, it was another big victory for libraries.  The court affirmed all its earlier reasoning,…Continue Reading AIME v. UCLA – order dismissing the case is out