Federal Agency Open Access Mandates

Some resources for campus folks on the ongoing roll-out of US government agency open access policies: Crowd-sourced librarian spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PYOhBh6bglh6BkQFlpvNLOwlpzvQyguWAG8AkQMtU0s/edit#gid=0 ARL’s review and links: http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/public-access-policies/federally-funded-research/2696-white-house-directive-on-public-access-to-federally-funded-research-and-data#.VQwHkEs1TQR Columbia University list of brief descriptions: http://scholcomm.columbia.edu/open-access/public-access-mandates-for-federally-funded-research/…Continue Reading Federal Agency Open Access Mandates

LibrePlanet : When Open Is Not Enough: Educators & Academia Grapple with the Need for Libre

Nicole Allen (@txtbks) and I will be speaking at a panel at LibrePlanet in Cambridge, MA, this weekend: New research techniques like data mining have highlighted the shortcomings in “free” (as in beer) licensing of academic research, and the benefits of “libre” licensing that permits true scholarly engagement with data and scholarship. These challenges apply equally…Continue Reading LibrePlanet : When Open Is Not Enough: Educators & Academia Grapple with the Need for Libre

open access – federal policies

The federal “open access” policy rollouts continue. The Department of Defense put their proposal out a couple of days ago; they will develop their own system (a la PubMed): DoD’s repository, the Defense Technical Information Center or DTIC will create and maintain a system for the long-term preservation and access to the DoD funded peer-reviewed…Continue Reading open access – federal policies

Patry quote on TEACH Act

I ran across this Patry quote today that I enjoyed: “[T]he drafting [of Section 110(2), the TEACH Act] is so ugly that it certainly supports the carbon-dating theory of amendments to the Copyright Act: the vintage of an amendment can be determined by its prolixity and resemblance to a poorly drafted contract, the more prolix…Continue Reading Patry quote on TEACH Act

fair use quiz : paraphrasing a famous quote

For Fair Use Week, I offered a small “fair use” quiz to colleagues. I listed a dozen or so different scenarios, taken from famous or recently-well-publicized fair use cases, and made a simple paraphrase of the case, with a “fair use” or “license it” choice. At the end of the survey (which was anonymous), I…Continue Reading fair use quiz : paraphrasing a famous quote

Fair Use: A Virtual Anthem of Empowerment and Joy for Librarians and Educators [Harvard blog, Fair Use Week 2015]

Originally published at Harvard’s Fair Use Week blog, Feb. 25, 2015. Fair Use : A Virtual Anthem of Empowerment and Joy for Librarians and Educators I WANNA SEE YOU BE BRAVE[1] The American Library Association recently passed an interpretation of its Code of Ethics to clear up confusions about the line that says librarians “respect…Continue Reading Fair Use: A Virtual Anthem of Empowerment and Joy for Librarians and Educators [Harvard blog, Fair Use Week 2015]

Fair Use Week – How Parodies Transformed Fair Use

It’s Fair Use Week! (see more posts! … #FairUseWeek) For this week, I’ll be posting some comments highlighting cases and trends in fair use. For my first post I thought I would look at parodies, and their role in transforming fair use law itself. Today we think of parodies as practically a paradigmatic fair use,…Continue Reading Fair Use Week – How Parodies Transformed Fair Use

Copyright Bootcamp, Jan. 13 and 14, 2015

Just a reminder to all who signed up: We’ll be hosting our first UMass copyright bootcamp on January 13 and 14th, from 10am to 3pm. We were so over-subscribed on the 14th that we added another session on the 13th, and thanks to all who helped us by swapping sessions to accommodate those who did…Continue Reading Copyright Bootcamp, Jan. 13 and 14, 2015

HathiTrust update

Authors Guild v. HathiTrust appears to be settling the sole remaining claim — whether there were any plaintiffs left (after the Authors Guild was rejected as a plaintiff) to challenge the library preservation copying uses of HathiTrust Links: stipulation / settlement, Jan. 6, 2015 (SDNY) (PDF) Authors Guild press release (2015/01/08)…Continue Reading HathiTrust update

GSU update

As predicted, the 11th Circuit declined the opportunity to grant an en banc review in the GSU case (Cambridge University Press v. Patton/Becker). [An en banc review is a review by all the judges of the Circuit, of a decision by a normal appellate panel of 3 judges.] The next decision faced by the publishers (and their…Continue Reading GSU update