Petrella v. MGM

Tweets on Petrella v. MGM — Ginsburg 6-3 maj. laches not a defense; Breyer, Roberts & Kennedy dissent. … #copyright #scotus Petrella v. MGM is the Raging Bull #copyright case. Upshot is Raging Bull heirs have rights. And, #scotus takes another shot at #laches. Breyer’s dissent points out pro-plaintiff bias in Ginsburg’s interpretation of…Continue Reading Petrella v. MGM

Tweets held non-defamatory

Tweeting “You are fucking crazy” is not defamatory. Feld v Conway, … … #internetlaw #Massachusetts Good to know….Continue Reading Tweets held non-defamatory

Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles

Oh, #Elsevier. STILL charging for #openaccess articles, two years after you were caught doing it. … @ElsevierConnect…Continue Reading Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles

two copyright settlements

one big settlement! viacom v. google … and one not so big: goldieblox v beastie boys ……Continue Reading two copyright settlements