UMass comments on the open textbooks pilot program

UMass has submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Education on the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education – Open Textbooks Pilot Program. The comment is available at UMass’ institutional repository, ScholarWorks….Continue Reading UMass comments on the open textbooks pilot program

UMass Comment on NIH Data Sharing Policy

The UMass Amherst Libraries have submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Science Policy (OSP) regarding its Request for Information (RFI) on “Proposed Provisions for a Draft Data Management and Sharing Policy for NIH Funded or Supported Research.” The comment is available at NIH and also at UMass ScholarWorks….Continue Reading UMass Comment on NIH Data Sharing Policy

UMass Libraries comments to NSF on open access

The UMass Libraries have submitted comments to the NSF for its 2017-2018 Strategic Plan update.  (Further reading: Summary of current Strategic Plan, and full text of current Strategic Plan, published in 2014.) Re: Comments on Strategic Plan, 2017-18 Update Dear National Science Foundation, Thank you for providing this opportunity to comment on the 2017-18 update…Continue Reading UMass Libraries comments to NSF on open access

Supporting Open Ed at the Dept. of Ed.

The Scholarly Communication Dept. submitted comments to the US Department of Education today, on a proposal to require open licensing of grant-funded work. Our comments are available online at UMass-20151203-CommentsDeptEd-OpenLicensing .  The proposal is “Open Licensing Requirement for Direct Grant Programs”, 80 FR  67672 (published Nov. 3, 2015)….Continue Reading Supporting Open Ed at the Dept. of Ed.

Federal Agency Open Access Mandates

Some resources for campus folks on the ongoing roll-out of US government agency open access policies: Crowd-sourced librarian spreadsheet at ARL’s review and links: Columbia University list of brief descriptions:…Continue Reading Federal Agency Open Access Mandates

open access – federal policies

The federal “open access” policy rollouts continue. The Department of Defense put their proposal out a couple of days ago; they will develop their own system (a la PubMed): DoD’s repository, the Defense Technical Information Center or DTIC will create and maintain a system for the long-term preservation and access to the DoD funded peer-reviewed…Continue Reading open access – federal policies

Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles

Oh, #Elsevier. STILL charging for #openaccess articles, two years after you were caught doing it. … @ElsevierConnect…Continue Reading Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles