ResearchGate litigation settled

ResearchGate and ACS & Elsevier have settled the copyright lawsuits the publishers filed in Germany and the US. The gist of the settlement: At the point of upload, the ResearchGate platform will check rights information for ACS and Elsevier published content. ResearchGate will then immediately determine how the content can be shared on its site….Continue Reading ResearchGate litigation settled

student note sharing services

STUDENTS SHARING CLASS MATERIALS – CAN INSTRUCTORS INTERVENE? Laura Quilter, J.D., M.L.S. Charlotte Roh, M.L.S. (Read in PDF) Quizlet – StudyBlue – OneClass – CourseHero In the last decade, numerous student note-sharing services have sprung up, enabling students to do efficiently, and online, what they have had previously done informally (and inefficiently).  What can instructors do…Continue Reading student note sharing services

Workshop on Author Agreements

Charlotte Roh and I are running a workshop today for ISSR (Institute for Social Science Research), on negotiating your author agreements. Author Negotiations Workshop, ISSR, April 17 – 107 Bartlett Hall, 1pm – 3pm “Negotiating Author Contracts and Agreements” with Laura Quilter, the Copyright and Information Policy Librarian at UMass Amherst Friday, April 17, 2015…Continue Reading Workshop on Author Agreements

LibrePlanet : When Open Is Not Enough: Educators & Academia Grapple with the Need for Libre

Nicole Allen (@txtbks) and I will be speaking at a panel at LibrePlanet in Cambridge, MA, this weekend: New research techniques like data mining have highlighted the shortcomings in “free” (as in beer) licensing of academic research, and the benefits of “libre” licensing that permits true scholarly engagement with data and scholarship. These challenges apply equally…Continue Reading LibrePlanet : When Open Is Not Enough: Educators & Academia Grapple with the Need for Libre

Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles

Oh, #Elsevier. STILL charging for #openaccess articles, two years after you were caught doing it. … @ElsevierConnect…Continue Reading Elsevier still charging for access to open access articles

Springer & IEEE withdraw 120+ computer-generated papers … Should Springer and IEEE refund libraries, and retroactively re-calculate various metrics? #scholcomm…Continue Reading Springer & IEEE withdraw 120+ computer-generated papers


Elsevier is, for better or worse, the academic publisher that everyone loves to hate.  They have become the poster-child for everything that is wrong with for-profit paywalled access to scholarship and knowledge. Here’s an amusing take-off on “Elsebeer”: Perhaps the funniest part of it is that several people I’ve shown it to have been, at least…Continue Reading “Elsebeer”

RIP Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 – Open Access Activist

R.I.P. Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 Aaron Swartz, an open access activist, committed suicide on Friday, January 10, 2013. He was facing a 13-count indictment from the US Dept. of Justice for breaking into JStor, an academic articles database, although JStor had dropped all charges. Academics worldwide have begun releasing their papers as a tribute, posting the…Continue Reading RIP Aaron Swartz, 1986-2013 – Open Access Activist