The Copyright & Related Expertise Workshop (CREW) is a training & study group within the UMass Amherst Libraries, beginning January 2019 & going thru early 2020.


Winter/Spring 2019: Copyright Basics

  • 3.1 Copyright Rights & Limitations: The 106 Rights
  • 3.2 Copyright Rights & Limitations: Limitations, Exceptions, Defenses (aka the leaky tent) 
  • 3.3 Copyright Rights & Limitations: Fair Use. Overview. Transformativeness, Substitution, Market Effects, and Holistic Factor Analysis.
  • 3.3 Copyright Rights & Limitations: Fair Use.
  • 3.3 Copyright Rights & Limitations: Fair Use. Related doctrines: Fair use versus fair dealing versus statutory exceptions. “Trademark fair use”

Summer 2019: Copyright in Depth & in Context

  • 4. Copyright Leveling Up
  • 5. Publishing, Media, & Entertainment Law

Fall 2019 / Spring 2020: Information Law Case Studies

Beginning with fall 2019, we’ll go through case studies, and look closely at the issues that affect scholars, researchers, teachers, administrators, and other issues on campuses.


Topics to be covered include:

  • 1. The Information Law & Policy Landscape
    • “intellectual property”: copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets; “neighboring rights”, “moral rights”, “database rights”, cultural rights, paracopyright, and other adjacent-to-IP rights
    • related tort & constitutional issues: right of publicity, privacy, defamation; First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, & other constitutional rights
    • statutory: Import/Export law, Public Records Act / FOIA, IRB, etc.
    • sources of law: treaties, statutes, state law, common law; litigation, judicial procedure, administrative law, and the Copyright Office
    • international law & major copyright treaties
    • rationales & history of IP — sexism, race, etc., within IP
    • cultural appropriation
    • plagiarism
  • 2. copyright 101
    • copyrightability — idea-expression dichotomy, copyrightable subject matter, and 102(b) limitations
    • authorship: individual authorship, joint authorship, transferring and licensing
    • what is a copyright and how do you get one? bundles of rights, and formality requirements (registration)
    • copyright myths, and copyright versus plagiarism
  • 3. copyright rights & limitations
    • rights: distributions, public performances & displays, reproductions, derivative works
    • limitations, exceptions, defenses (the leaky tent)
    • de minimis doctrine
    • 109 / first sale
    • fair use
      • overview
      • transformativeness
      • market factor
      • fair use vs. fair dealing
      • derivative works versus transformative works
      • “trademark fair use”
  • 4. copyright – leveling up  [in no particular order]
    • DMCA / anticircumvention
    • secondary liability: When agents are responsible for someone else’s infringement, libraries and Section 108 unsupervised reproduction equipment, Section 504 damages remittance, and responding to cease & desist letters / Section 512
    • implied licensing & explicit licensing
    • moral rights & attribution (106A, 1202, non-US regimes)
    • public domain – termination & issues
    • higher ed & library exceptions / limitations: 108 (including news archiving), 110, 504 & sovereign immunity, etc. — references to use.
    • accessibility, fair use, 121, Marrakesh, and ILL
    • mechanics of copyright record searching
  • 5. publishing, media, & entertainment law 101  [in no particular order]
    • history of publishing
    • industry practices
    • agents, literary estates, royalties, collecting societies
    • contract law versus licensing
    • tracking down rightsholders
    • publishing contracts
    • open source licenses
    • CC licensing
    • asking for permission & negotiation strategies
    • international issues
    • contract termination & statutory reversion
    • YouTube, ContentID
    • helping faculty  who are editors work with their publishers
  • 6. information law case studies [in no particular order]
    • software law: software IP, software archiving, emulating, compatibility, APIs, and reverse engineering; import/export & cryptography;
    • journalism, audio & video recording concerns: 1st & 4th Amendment; dual party consent statutes; privacy rights; ag-gag & other anti-speech statutes; whistle-blower, reporter shield, & other journalism protection statutes; etc
    • music law. Musical works; sound recordings; the licensing nightmare; the bootleg statute; college radio; pre-72 and the Music Modernization Act.
    • sports law — trademarks, copyright, agency, video games & tattoos …
    • indexing, data mining, search; metadata; database rights
    • oral history, photography, & videos — interfaces between creator / copyrights, and the law and ethics of subjects of works; IRB & human subjects concerns
    • folklore & traditional cultural materials / repatriation — museums & collections. LocalContexts.
    • photography — rights, originality, conversion between 2D and 3D
    • personal use — Sony, research copies, and ILL
    • special cases — less common subject matter & special rules: Ads, choreography, architectural plans, etc.
    • scientific figures, data, copyrightability, and the STM master agreement
    • characters, copyright, & trademark
    • intellectual freedom defenses in trademark, defamation, and other areas of law
    • fan fiction, vidding, & creative works
  • 7. Additional hot topics in libraries & education
    • digital first sale
    • pre-1972 sound recordings & the Music Modernization Act
    • ereserves