library copyright experts on Copyright Office independence

Forty-two different experts on libraries and copyright (including me) today submitted a letter to Congress regarding the recent proposal to pull the Copyright Office out of its historic home in the Library of Congress. While copyright maximalists have of late taken to calling for separation, in fact, libraries have for generations supported the entire copyright ecosystem….Continue Reading library copyright experts on Copyright Office independence

Tennessee legislation introduced for pre-1972 sound recordings

Tennessee legislation introduced for pre-1972 sound recordings (Jan. 31, 2014) – HB 2187 / SB 2187 was introduced in Tennessee to provide state-level copyright protection for pre-1972 sound recordings, which are not copyrighted under US federal law. A smattering of states clearly apply copyright-like protections for pre-1972 sound recordings, but the legal status is currently a…Continue Reading Tennessee legislation introduced for pre-1972 sound recordings

Copyright Hearings in Congress January 2014

You may have heard that Congress is holding copyright hearings.  This is all part of a planned “comprehensive” review of copyright, likely to take place over several years, with the intent of eventually passing “the Next Great Copyright Act”.   So far all the hearings are happening in the House of Representatives, and none scheduled…Continue Reading Copyright Hearings in Congress January 2014