Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

We are a group of molecular neuroscientists ‘in training (at different career stages)’ who come from diverse backgrounds. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is at the core of how we operate in the Pak lab. We acknowledge, value, and celebrate how individuals with diverse backgrounds can push the boundary of knowledge together and can most effectively overcome our own limitations and biases when we work together. We see this as an opportunity to move forward as a community and bring good to humanity.

We strive for an inclusive and welcoming training environment for all trainees. This means identifying biases and pressure points for underrepresented trainees in academia, working together to create a sense of belonging, and applying evidence-based strategies to foster culturally responsive mentoring relationships.

ChangHui is an active training faculty member in the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and Culturally Aware Mentorship Program. She has served as a faculty fellow in the NSF-funded ADVANCE program and is a member of the UMass Women and Non-binary Faculty of Color.

Read Dr. Handelsman’s inspiring article on how to create an inclusive classroom: here

Read Danny’s excerpt on how his road to science was unique in this wonderful article: here