
UMass IALS Models2Medicine Midi Grant “Innovation of Cerebellar Organoids for Stem Cell Therapy in Cerebellar Degenerative Disorders” 2024-2025 (PI-Pak)

NIA R21 Trailblazer Award “Dissecting inter-region communication in human organoid models with dual-color optogenetic probes” 2024-2027 (PI-Xu, co-I Sun, co-I Pak)

UMASS IALS Models2Medicine Midi Grant “Generation of isogenic revertant controls from patient derived iPSCs with CASK deficiency” 2023-2024 (PI-Pak)

UMASS IALS Models2Medicine Midi Grant “Establishing iPSC-derived neuronal models of TBCK syndrome”2022-2023 (PI-Pak, PI-Downes)

NIMH R21 “Patterning human forebrain organoids by engineering controlled biochemical microenvironment” 2022-2024 (PI- Sun, co-PI- Pak)

Tourette Association of America Young Investigator Award “Interrogating the molecular and cellular basis of Tourette Syndrome using human pluripotent stem cells” 2022-2024 (PI – Pak)

UMass Armstrong Fund for Science Award “Modeling TBCK syndrome in Human Neurons and Zebrafish” 2021-2023 (PI – Downes, PI – Pak)

NIMH R01 “Molecular Dissection of Synaptic Dysfunction in Mental Disorders” 2020-2025 (PI – Pak)

UMASS IONS Neuroengineering Seed Fund “Engineering morphogen-gradient induced brain organoids (MIBO) with single neural tube-like spatial topography” 2019-2021 (Pak with Sun lab)