International Quaternary Webinar: 2023

United States: Wednesdays, 9-10am (eastern time)

LOGIN information (Same each week!)
Via Zoom:

 Password: IQW2023

Schedule of Speakers

September 13th: Christine Batchelor, University of Newcastle, UK
“Pulses of rapid ice-sheet retreat in the past, and implications for future ice-sheet behaviour”
[Batchelor et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

September 20th: Gifford Miller, University of Colorado, USA
“Ice-edge moss 14C kill-dates and modeled summer temperatures track episodic ice-cap expansion in Arctic Canada through the Common Era”
[Miller et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

September 27th: Alan Seltzer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA
“Terrestrial amplification of past, present and future climate change”

[Seltzer et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

October 4th: Carl Regnell, Stockholm University, Sweden
“The watery demise of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet – Ice-dammed lakes and catastrophic floods”
[Ragnell et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

October 11th: Inger Greve Alsos, Tromso University, Norway
“Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals past ecosystems”
[Alsos et al., 2022]
[webinar video]

October 18th: Frerk Pöppelmeier University of Bern, Switzerland
“Constraining Atlantic circulation dynamics by combining models and reconstructions

[Pöppelmeier et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

October 25th: Anne de Vernal, Université de Quebec à Montreal, Canada
“Surface ocean conditions in the Arctic and subarctic North Atlantic during the present and past interglacial

[de Vernal et al., 2020]
[webinar video]

Note: Daylight savings ends on October 29th in Norway & the U.K. [no change in Iceland], but on November 5th in the U.S., so the November 1st webinar will be at 10 am (Eastern time) in the U.S.

November 1st: Gerald Haug, Max-Planck Institute für Chemie, Mainz, Germany
“Ice Ages”
[Haug et al., 1999]
[webinar video]

November 8th: (Back to 9 am) Celia Martin-Puertas, Royal Holloway College, University of London, UK
“Stationarity, seasonality and predictable behaviour of the Holocene climate system: stories from varved lakes

[Martin-Puertas et al., 2023]
[webinar video]

November 15th: Pierre Francus, INRS, Quebec, Canada
“A new 1523-year-long varve sequence reveals the influence of the Atlantic Multidecal Variability on Eastern Canada hydroclimate”

[Gagnon-Poire et al., 2021]

November 22nd: No speaker (U.S. Thanksgiving)

November 29th: Emily Tibbett, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
“Reconstruction of terrestrial and marine climate from Southern Greenland during the Pleistocene”
[webinar video]

December 6th: Sarah Bradley, Sheffield University, UK
“Last Deglaciation of NW Europe: ice sheets and relative sea level”
[Bradley et al., 2023]