A1 | Biological foundations of syntactic movement directions | Tingwu Lee and Shiao-hui Chan |
A2 | Incremental understanding of conjunctive generic sentences | MH Tessler, Karen Gu and Roger Levy |
A3 | Estimating the semantic properties of words with simple mean ratings can be misleading | Van Rynald Liceralde and Peter Gordon |
A4 | Agents’ goals affect placement of event endpoints | Ariel Mathis and Anna Papafragou |
A5 | Thematic role assignment difficulty revealed by a forced choice task | Jon Burnsky and Adrian Staub |
A6 | The interaction of syntactic focus and semantic predictability in comprehension. | Eleonora Beier and Fernanda Ferreira |
A7 | Multiple focus indicators influence modifier attachment separately | Katy Carlson and David Potter |
A8 | Information structure facilitates pairing contrastive ellipsis remnants with non-local correlates | Marju Kaps |
A9 | Timing and (mis)interpretation of NPI illusions | Hanna Muller, Celeste Joly, Iria de-Dios-Flores, Philip Resnik and Colin Phillips |
A10 | Tracking the time course of the NPI illusion: why do only some appear online? | Wesley Orth, Masaya Yoshida and Shayne Sloggett |
A11 | Examining the origins of errors in processing the quantifier every: an eye-tracking study | Tingting Wang, Nick Feroce, Jesus Briseno, Caitlin Coughlin and Utako Minai |
A12 | Preparing the lecture in three hours - Tense and aspect in the interpretation and processing of ambiguous adverbials | Britta Stolterfoht, Giuliano Armenante and Larissa Specht |
A13 | Social exposure to gender-variance influences the real-time processing of pronouns | Lauren Ackerman |
A14 | Structures of talker variability in rising vs. falling declarative utterances | Xin Xie, Andrés Buxó-Lugo and Chigusa Kurumada |
A15 | Processing COMP-trace violations in German: implications for syntax | Ankelien Schippers, Margreet Vogelzang and Esther Ruigendijk |
A16 | Hierarchy vs. linearity in human language interpretation | Cas Coopmans, Helen De Hoop, Peter Hagoort and Andrea Martin |
A17 | Investigating the grammatical SNARC effect for collective nouns | Fabian Hurler, Nikole Patson, Tessa Warren and Barbara Kaup |
A18 | Volitionality on the split intransitivity in Japanese: an acceptability judgment study | Hanako Wada and Hajime Ono |
A19 | Processing weak crossover in forward and backward A’-dependencies | Jun Lyu, Jiwon Yun and Daniel Finer |
A20 | Adaptive reading in response to connective location and clause order | Kole Norberg and Scott Fraundorf |
A21 | Eye movements when failing to notice word transpositions | Kuan-Jung Huang and Adrian Staub |
A22 | The processing of subject-predicate and topic-commentary sentences in Brazilian Portuguese | Lorrane Ventura |
A23 | Predictive Processing of Coordination in CCG | Miloš Stanojević, John Hale and Mark Steedman |
A24 | Verb position and flexible constituent order processing: Comparing verb-final and verb- medial languages | Savithry Namboodiripad, Lorenzo Garcia-Amaya, Alex Kramer, Stephen Tobin, Yourdanis Sedarous, Nicholas Henriksen, Julie Boland and Andries Coetzee |
A25 | The Role of Shallow Processing in Agreement Attraction | Utku Türk and Pavel Logacev |
A26 | Active Search in cataphoric Processing extends past the Subject | Anna Giskes and Dave Kush |
A27 | Disjoint is off the hook: Principle B constrains predictive resolution of cataphors | Dave Kush and Brian Dillon |
A28 | Language experience affects pronoun comprehension in implicit causality sentences | Elyce Williams and Jennifer Arnold |
A29 | The processing of reflexives depends on verbal agreement: Evidence from Hebrew | Maayan Keshev and Aya Meltzer-Asscher |
A30 | Many dependencies show retrieval interference, and ellipsis does too! | Dan Parker, Hayley Shankle and Irene Williams |
A31 | Morphological identity and voice mismatch in VP ellipsis: An interference-based account | Jesse Harris and Adrian Brasoveanu |
A32 | Representations underlining ambiguity avoidance | Kumiko Fukumura, Céline Pozniak and F.-Xavier Alario |
A33 | Ambiguity Resolution in Wh-Filler Gap Dependency | Nayoun Kim, Keir Moulton and Masaya Yoshida |
A34 | An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English | Jayeon Park and Jon Sprouse |
A35 | D-linked wh-dependencies and island effects | Michael Dover and Jeffrey Witzel |
A36 | Gap-filling in syntactic islands: Evidence for island penetrability from the Maze Task | Sandra Villata, Whitney Tabor and Jon Sprouse |
A37 | Structural priming is influenced by both syntax and plausibility | L. Robert Slevc and Andrés Buxó-Lugo |
A38 | Syntactic adaption for reduced relative clauses is not reducible to task adaptation | Avery Malone and Gail Mauner |
A39 | The processing of pronominal relative clauses: Evidence from eye movements | Douglas Roland, Gail Mauner and Yuki Hirose |
A40 | The role of memory in subject-object asymmetry with relative clauses | Fanting Kung and Peter Gordon |
A41 | Investigating the role of context in comprehension using topical surprisal: an fMRI study | Shohini Bhattasali and Philip Resnik |
A42 | Neural language models capture some, but not all, agreement attraction effects | Suhas Arehalli and Tal Linzen |
A43 | Processing Temporal Violations in a Language with Aspectual Markers: An ERP Study in Thai | Wilasinee Siriboonpipattana, Lyndsey Nickels, Roelien Bastiaanse, Paul Sowman and Srdjan Popov |
A44 | Temporal mismatch guides the prediction of Mandarin relative clauses: Evidence from ERPs | Xiao Yang, Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Utako Minai, Alison Gabriele and Robert Fiorentino |
A45 | Lexical versus compositional World-Language Relations: Event-Related Brain Potential effects during Second Language Processing | Katja Maquate, Carsten Schliewe, Jennifer Lewendon and Pia Knoeferle |
A46 | Scalar implicatures: differential engagement of brain regions across tasks | Tal Tehan and Einat Shetreet |
A47 | How to resolve NPI intervention effects on WHY: Evidence from an ERP study | Daeho Chung, Myung-Kwan Park and Wonil Chung |
A48 | Stronger prediction leads to greater processing cost during sentence ambiguity resolution: A simultaneous eye-tracking and EEG study | Yi-Lun Weng, An Nguyen, Rachel Ryskin and Zhenghan Qi |
A49 | "Ambiguous" isn't "Underspecified": Evidence from the Maze task | Shayne Sloggett, Nick Van Handel, Kelsey Sasaki, John Duff, Stephanie Rich, Wesley Orth, Pranav Anand and Amanda Rysling |
A50 | Prenominal and postnominal adjectives in French: An ERP study. | Émilie Courteau, Clara Misirliyan, Karsten Steinhauer and Phaedra Royle |
A51 | ERP effects of how come and adjunct wh-questions | Nicolaus Schrum and Jon Sprouse |
A52 | Auditory processing of English compound words | Ava Creemers |
A53 | Prosodic cue weighting in ambiguity resolution by native and non-native listeners | Hyunah Baek |
A54 | Is absence of evidence evidence of unacceptability? Testing Conservatism via Entrenchment with novel derived words | Libby Barak, Martin Hilpert and Adele Goldberg |
A55 | Do children with autism spectrum disorder use prosodic cues to infer others’ mental states? | Peng Zhou, Weiyi Ma and Likan Zhan |
A56 | Sentence context and spelling ability influence parafoveal processing of phonology in reading | Sara Milligan and Elizabeth Schotter |
A57 | The integration of Mandarin third tone sandhi in auditory sentence disambiguation | Wei Lai and Aini Li |
A58 | Prosodic cues in on-line semantic processing – ERP evidence on quantifier restriction | Petra Augurzky and Rolf Ulrich |
A59 | Lexical and contextual cue effects in discourse expectations: experimenting with German 'zwar...aber' vs. English 'sure...but' | Juliane Schwab and Mingya Liu |
A60 | Pragmatics and event structure: A closer look at their interaction in language production | Monica Do, Anna Papafragou and John Trueswell |
A61 | Antecedent saliency and empathy in Japanese | Shinichi Shoji |
A62 | The time-course of plausibility and predictability effects during discourse comprehension | Sophie Greene, Trevor Brothers, Elizabeth Weber, Santiago Noriega and Gina Kuperberg |
A63 | Accommodating presuppositions: it’s focus-sensitivity that makes it hard | Alexander Göbel |
A64 | Another slice? – UID constrains the omission of content words in fragments | Robin Lemke, Lisa Schäfer, Heiner Drenhaus and Ingo Reich |
A65 | Composing expressive information in context is damn tricky | Stanley Donahoo, Valeria Pfeifer and Vicky Lai |
A66 | Acceptability of VP Ellipsis: discourse conditions vs. syntactic identity | Philip Miller and Barbara Hemforth |
A67 | The Effect of Disfluency on Memory Following Sentence Comprehension | Evgeniia Diachek and Sarah Brown-Schmidt |
A68 | #foodie: Implications of interacting with social media for memory | Jordan Zimmerman and Sarah Brown-Schmidt |
A69 | The effects of character properties on reading Chinese | You Li and Kiel Christianson |
A70 | Explaining away the ease of retrieving “alleged Venezuelan communists”: Attention and time spent, not semantic complexity alone, predict reading times | Hossein Karimi and Eva Wittenberg |
A71 | Word frequency, proficiency and L2 exposure/use in masked translation priming | Adel Chaouch-Orozco, Jorge González Alonso and Jason Rothman |
A72 | Retention of surface information during L1 and L2 reading: An eye-tracking study | Denisa Bordag, Andreas Opitz, Max Polter and Michael Meng |
A73 | Code-switching in the presence of others | Edith Kaan, Souad Kheder, Ann Kreidler, Aleksandra Tomic and Jorge Valdes Kroff |
A74 | Computationally investigating L1 influence on L2 production | Tiwalayo Eisape, William Merrill, Sven Dietz and Joshua K. Hartshorne |
A75 | The time course of bilingual lexico-semantic access within and across languages: Evidence from the boundary paradigm during reading | Liv Hoversten and Clara Martin |
A76 | Effects of verb and classifier constraints on expectations in first (Vietnamese) and second (German) language comprehension | Aine Ito, Huong Thi Thu Nguyen and Pia Knoeferle |
A77 | L2 Syntactic Adaptation in Comprehension: Evidence for Implicit Learning | Eunjin Chun |
A78 | The Priming of Dutch Passives in Arabic-Dutch and French-Dutch Bilingual Speakers | Rianne van Lieburg, Edwige Sijyeniyo, Robert Hartsuiker and Sarah Bernolet |
A79 | Defining “native-like” argument interpretation in SVO/OVS Spanish sentences | Russell Simonsen and Dustin Chacón |
A80 | Controlling for human response latency with continuous-time deconvolutional regression | Cory Shain and William Schuler |
A81 | Recurrent neural networks use discourse context in human-like garden path alleviation | Forrest Davis and Marten van Schijndel |
A82 | A Gradient Symbolic Computation parser: Parallel parsing in a continuous dynamical system | Pyeong Whan Cho, Matthew Goldrick and Paul Smolensky |
A83 | Learning Processing Models: Reinforcement Learning for Linguistic Skill Acquisition | Adrian Brasoveanu and Jakub Dotlacil |
A84 | Assessing the reliability of informal acceptability judgments in Chinese syntax | Zhong Chen, Yuhang Xu and Zhiguo Xie |
A85 | Behavioral evidence for linguistic prediction in older, but not younger, readers of German | Katja Haeuser and Jutta Kray |
A86 | Is children’s iconicity preference universal? Evidence from Mandarin adverbial sentences | Laura de Ruiter, Si Chen, Alexander Etz and Peizhi Wen |
A87 | Can 2.5-year-olds use expectations about polysemy for disambiguation? | Sammy Floyd and Casey Lew-Williams |
A88 | A within-subjects comparison of the acquisition of quantity-related inferences | Alicia Parrish and Ailís Cournane |
A89 | Comprehension of Conjunction by English-speaking Adults and Children | Sherry Yong Chen, Filipe Hisao Kobayashi, Loes Koring, Cory Bill, Leo Rosenstein and Martin Hackl |
A90 | Heritage speakers may not only have unique grammars, but also processing strategies | LeeAnn Stover, Christen Madsen II and Gita Martohardjono |