Daniela Calzetti
Daniela has a passion for “dusting off” galaxies. She has devoted much of her research effort to understanding how the dust found in the interstellar medium
of galaxies operates to alter our perception of the galaxies themselves. The results of her research have been used to “remove” the dust from galaxies at all cosmic times, and therefore unravel the evolution of galaxies and other structures. Daniela also studies star formation, which is part of the reason we have dust inside and outside of galaxies. She has worked on many observational projects involving data from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Herschel Space Observatory, and from many ground based facilities.
PhD: 1992, University of Rome, Italy
Current position: Professor of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Honors and Awards (since 2013):
-2013 – Blaauw Professor, Kapteyn Observatory, University of Gr ?oningen, The Netherlands
-2013 – Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity – University of Massachusetts
-2014 – Raymond and Beverley Sackler Distinguished Visitor , Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge (UK)
2014–2015 – Overseas Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge (UK) – Sworn in on Oct. 17th, 2014
2015 – Distinguished Visitor at the AAO (Sidney) and RSAA (Canberra) in Australia
2015 – Samuel F. Conti Faculty Fellow (2015-2016) – University of Massachusetts
2016 – Tage Erlander Guest Professor of the Swedish Research Council, Stockholm University, Sweden
2017 – Clarivate–Reuters World’s Most Cited Researchers
2018 – Clarivate–Reuters World’s Most Cited Researchers
282 papers in peer-reviewed Journals, with a total of about 25,000 citations.