Vivian Stojanoff

Vivian Stojanoff

Vivian Stojanoff is a physicist at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II). The NSLS II is a large Facility that “generates”  light that spans from  infrared light  to x-rays light. Working at a synchrotron facility she has the opportunity to study a wide range of materials, biological, chemical, physical, geological, etc using different methods. Most of all she enjoys the challenges and opportunities that synchrotron light offers to characterize and study different samples.  

Vivian has mentored many students from high school through PhD’s.  She is a member of the Brookhaven Women in Science; as the director for Programs, she coordinates a speaker series and organizes the “International Women Day” conference, “Girl Power in STEM”.  She collaborates with the Office of Education at Brookhaven National Laboratory on the SPARK program that supports teams of high school teachers and students in the use of synchrotron light in research that students may want to pursue.  

Finding and Engaging with Mentors, Sponsors and Advisors Panel

Communicating Science: Preparing Posters and Talks
Sat Jan 19 4:30 – 5:10 and 5:15 – 5:55, ILC S220

Communicating science is intimately related to the target public. In this workshop we will discuss science communication to the expert and non-expert scientific community and emphasize the communication of science to the general public. We will discuss and analyze several examples taken from scientific talks, posters and writings regarding their effectiveness in conveying clear scientific concepts. We encourage workshop participants to bring their own examples for discussion. After a short introduction participants will be working in small groups to work on their own examples or on examples provided. A summary of best practices will be presented.