We have officially made UMass Amherst dance team history! Placing second in the NDA championships, we could not be more ecstatic. Although we are extremely proud of our accomplishment, there were, of course, some bumps in the road along the way. While dancing on the finals stage, about one a half minutes into our routine the music had shut off. Keeping the rules of performing in mind, every one of us kept dancing. The music was silenced and the crowd was screaming but we all focused our attention onto our captain yelling the counts, allowing us to stay in unison. Luckily we were allowed to perform our routine one more time. We caught our breathes and gave the routine all we had for a second time. Despite this mishap, we captured an innovative choreography award and second place overall for division 1 schools!
The UMass dance team has been attending NDA for a few years now and this is the best we have ever placed. Some teams in the past have recieved 3rd place but never pushed it to 2nd. We are growing stronger each year and have proven to be on the same competitive level as the top division 1 dance teams. Excitied and ready to work hard, we will return next year even more strong!
If you would like to check out our routine at finals, click here and search University of Massachusetts!
Check out our photo gallery page for more pictures from Daytona!