Photo Gallery

Some of our Spring 2013 photo shoot:

black and white








2011 Nationals:

2011 Basketball and Football

2009 Homecoming:

homecoming homecoming2 homecoming3 homecoming4 homecoming6 homecoming7 danceteam09

2009 Mall Mania:

mallmania1 mallmania2 mallmania3 mallmania4 mallmania5 mallmania7 mallmaniateampic mallmaniateampic2

2009 NDA Summer Camp:


2009 Nationals:

Past Team Photographs:

Whit and Samcheer and dance daytona 08spring auditions 2008umass dance team signtracy aerialteam backstage 08christinetracy c jumpteam dinnertrish and christineMassseniors and kelly07-08Feb08img_3706.JPGdolls spring breakdolls final posenationals in 05ftball groupcourtreggie and whittrish leapChristieNDA Summer CampsamRelay for Lifebarrebballfresh bbq07-0805side line06-07spring rookiesCece and Amandacheer and dance 06christine_jackie.jpgdolls_jess_chels.jpg2005_bball_pic1.jpg2005football gamedolls_jump.jpgscary_teamdinner.jpg2007_trophy_group.jpgsam_cait.jpgmidmad_team.jpgscary_group.jpgscary_finals.jpgftball_kickline.jpgimg_3365.JPG

2 thoughts on “Photo Gallery

  1. Peter Miller

    I have been attending UMass football games for many years and enjoy taking photos of gameday in Amherst. Is there a way I could send you photos of the team? I am an amateur photographer and sometimes I manage to get decent shots. I’d like to share them with you if you’d like. In the past I have given photos to players and cheerleaders and would like to do the same for your team. Have a great year and go UMass!

  2. Alaya

    You girls just made me want to do dance again because right now I’m in cheerleading but i think I’m going to change my mind and go back to dance and i love you outfits so cute:)

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