Continuosly updated publications lists for David Boutt are available on Google ScholarMendeley and ResearchGate.

Peer Reviewed

1. Boutt, D.F., Assessing Hydrogeologic Controls on Dynamic Groundwater Storage Using Long-Term Instrumental Records of Water Table Levels, Hydrological Processes, Accepted manuscript online: 30 DEC 2016 04:30PM EST | DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11119.

2. Boutt, D. F., Hynek, S. A., Munk, L. A., and Corenthal, L. G.* (2016) Rapid recharge of fresh water to the halite-hosted brine aquifer of Salar de Atacama, Chile. Hydrol. Process., doi:10.1002/hyp.10994.

3. Corenthal, L. G.*, D. F. Boutt, S. A. Hynek, and L. A. Munk (2016), Regional groundwater flow and accumulation of a massive evaporite deposit at the margin of the Chilean Altiplano, Geophys. Res. Lets., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070076

5. Munk, L. A., S. A. Hynek, D. Bradley, D. F. Boutt, K. Labay, and H. Jochens (2016), Lithium brines: A global perspective, Reviews in Economic Geology, v. 18, pp. 339–365

6. Hare, D.K*., Briggs, M.A., Rosenberry, D.F., Boutt, D.F., Lane, J.W. (2015), A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water, Journal of Hydrology, doi:

7. Yellen, B*, and Boutt, DF (2015), Hydropeaking induces losses from a river reach: observations at multiple spatial scales. Hydrol. Process., 29, 3261–3275. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10438.

8. Cook, J*, and Goodwin, LB., Boutt, D.F, and Tobin, H. (2015) The effect of systematic diagenetic changes on the mechanical behavior of a quartz-cemented sandstone, Geophysics, Vol. 80, No. 2 (March-April 2015); P. D145–D160,10.1190/Geo2014-0026.1

9. Boutt, D.F, Plourde, K.E.*, Cook, J, and Goodwin, LB. (2014) Cementation and the hydromechanical behavior of siliciclastic aquifers and reservoirs, Geofluids 14 (2), 189-199

10. Earnest, E*, and Boutt, D.F. (2014) Investigating the role of hydromechanical coupling on flow and transport in shallow fractured-rock aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 20, pages 1-19, 2014.

11. Ito, T., A. Funato, W. Lin, M.-L. Doan, D. F. Boutt, Y. Kano, H. Ito, D. Saffer, L. C. McNeill, T. Byrne, and K. T. Moe (2013), Determination of stress state in deep subsea formation by combination of hydraulic fracturing in situ test and core analysis: A case study in the IODP Expedition 319, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, 1203–1215, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50086.

13. Manda, A.K., Mabee, S.B., Boutt, D.F. and Cooke, M. A method of estimating bulk potential permeability in fractured-rock aquifers using field-derived fracture data and type curves, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 21, number 2, pages 357-369, 2013.

14. Murdoch, L., Germanovich, L, Wang, H., Onstott, T., Elsworth, D., Stetler, L., and D.F. Boutt, Hydrogeology of the vicinity of DUSEL Homestake, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 20, pages 27-43, 2012.

15. Boutt, D. F., et al. (2012), Scale dependence of in-situ permeability measurements in the Nankai accretionary prism: The role of fractures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L07302, doi:10.1029/2012GL051216.

16. French, M. E., D. F. Boutt, and L. B. Goodwin (2012), Sample dilation and fracture in response to high pore fluid pressure and strain rate in quartz-rich sandstone and siltstone, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B03215, doi:10.1029/2011JB008707.

18. Doan, M.L., Conin, M., Henry, P., Wiersberg, T., Boutt, D.F., Buchs, D., Saffer, D., McNeill, L., and D. Cukur, Quantification of Free Gas in the Kumano Forearc Basin detected from Borehole Physical Properties: IODP NanTroSEIZE drilling Site C0

19. *Weider, K. and D.F. Boutt, Heterogeneous water table response to climate revealed by 60 years of ground water data, Geophys. Res. Lett., VOL. 37, L24405, doi:10.1029/2010GL045561, 2010.

20. *Cook, J.B., Goodwin, L.B., and D.F. Boutt, Systematic diagenetic changes in the grainscale morphology and permeability of a quartz-cemented quartz arenite, AAPG Bulletin, 95(6), 1067-1088, 2011.

21. McNeil, L, Saffer, D.M., Byrne, T., Araki, E., and IODP Expedition 319 Scientists (D.F. Boutt), IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: First IODP Riser Drilling Operations and Observatory Installation Towards Understanding Subduction Zone Seismogenesis, Scientific Drilling, 10, p 4-13.

22. Lin, W., et al. (2010), Present-day principal horizontal stress orientations in the Kumano forearc basin of the southwest Japan subduction zone determined from IODP NanTroSEIZE drilling Site C0009, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L13303, doi:10.1029/2010GL043158.

23. Boutt, D.F., Mabee, S.B., and *J.P. Diggins, A field study of the factors controlling the depth of ground water flow systems in crystalline fractured rock terrain, Hydrogeology Journal, 2010, Published Online September 7th, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-010-0640-y.

24. Boutt, D.F., Cook, B.K., and J.R. Williams, A coupled fluid-solid model for problems in geomechanics: application to sand production, International Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics. published online: 2 AUG 2010 | DOI: 10.1002/nag.938,

25. Boutt, D.F., Poroelastic response of an unconsolidated aquifer to daily releases of water from an upstream dam, Ground Water, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00,663.x, 2010. Curriculum Vitae David F. Boutt 4/13

26. Boutt, D.F., Goodwin, L.B, and McPherson, B.J.O.L., The Role of Permeability and Storage in the Initiation and Propagation of Natural Hydraulic Fractures, Water Resources Research, 45 (W00C13), doi:10.1029/2007WR006557, 2009.

27. Boutt, D.F and *B.J. Fleming, Implications of anthropogenically driven river stage fluctuations on mass transport in a valley fill aquifer, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2007WR006526, 2009.

28. Boutt D.F., Cook, B.K, McPherson, B.J.O.L., and J.R. Williams, 2007, Direct simulation of fluid-solid mechanics in porous media using the discrete element and lattice-Boltzmann methods, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 112, B10209, doi:10.1029/2004JB003213.

29. McPherson, B.J.O.L., and D.F. Boutt, 2007, Analysis of the role of fluids in causing fractures in the Spraberry Trend, Midland Basin, Geofluids, 7(4), p 415-426.

30. Boutt D.F., Grasselli G., Fredrich J.T., Cook B.K., Williams J.R., 2006, Trapping zones: The effect of fracture roughness on the directional anisotropy of fluid flow and colloid transport in a single fracture, Geophysical Research Letters, V. 33, L21402,10.1029/2006GL027275.

31. Wayland, K.G, D.W. Hyndman, D.F. Boutt, B.C. Pijanowski, D.T. Long, Modeling The Impact Of Historical Land Uses On Surface Water Quality Using Ground Water Flow And Solute Transport Models, Lakes and Reservoirs, 7(3), p 189-199, 2002.

32. Boutt, D.F., and McPherson, B.J.O.L, Simulation of sedimentary rock deformation: Labscale model calibration and parameterization, Geophysical Research Letters 29(4), 10.1029/2001GL013706, 2002.

33. Boutt, D.F., Hyndman, D.W., Pijanowski, B.C., and David T. Long, Identifying potential land use-derived solute sources to stream baseflow using ground water models and GIS, Ground Water 39(1), 24-34, 2001.

34. Frisbee, M.D, Shope, C.L., Briggs, M.A. and D. F. Boutt, Field Methods for them Evaluation of Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions, Eds. Cushman and Tartakovsky, The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press, In press.

In Review Manuscripts


Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

4. Mabee, S.B., *B.J. Fleming, and D.F. Boutt, Hydrogeologic assessment of the West Charlemont aquifer, Charlemont, Massachusetts, project completion report, 2007.

5. Grasselli G., Boutt D.F., Fredrich J.T., Cook B.K., Williams J.R., 2005, Experimental and numerical study of colloid transport in a single fracture, in Proc. IACMAG 2005 Conference, Turin, Italy, pp 277-284

7. Boutt, D.F., Discrete Analysis of the Role of Pore Fluids in the Genesis of Opening Mode Fractures in the Shallow Crust, Ph.D. Thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 2004, 239 pp.

8. Boutt D.F., McPherson, B.J.O.L., Cook, B.K, and J.R. Williams, Application of a directly coupled numerical model of fluid-solid mechanics, in Soil and Rock America 2003 Proceedings, edited by P.J. Culligan, H.H Einstein, and A.J. Whittle, Volume 1, p 977-983

9. Boutt, D.F., and B.J.O.L. McPherson, The role of particle packing in modeling rock mechanical behavior using discrete elements, in Discrete Element Methods: Numerical Modeling of Discontinua, edited by B.K. Cook, and R.P. Jensen, pp. 86-92, ASCE, Santa Fe, NM, 2002.