Contaminated Water Escaping Nuclear Plant, Japanese Regulator Warns –

Government officials have said that the water is probably leaking from broken pipes inside the reactor, from a breach in the reactor’s containment vessel or from the inner pressure vessel that houses the nuclear fuel.

via Contaminated Water Escaping Nuclear Plant, Japanese Regulator Warns –

Geez, I guess the water must be coming from somewhere…. did they check for a leaky toilet? No, there wouldn’t be plutonium there, unless someone tried to flush it down as the investigators arrived…..

How long can they pretend this is not a meltdown?

but not to worry:

“We’re basically in a brainstorming phase right now,” ….

ADDENDUM 18 May 2011:

Finally, the truth is acknowledged:

Cleanup Schedule Unchanged at Nuclear Power Plant After Release of Meltdown –

The company now acknowledges that a fuel meltdown occurred at three of the plant’s six reactors in the early hours of the crisis….

As Chico Marx said: “”Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

One thought on “Contaminated Water Escaping Nuclear Plant, Japanese Regulator Warns –

  1. Bob Hager

    TEPCO claims it’s karmic pay-back for whale hunting. I blame the Emperor. Turns out our nuke power liars claimed until yesterday that these Japanese reactors had an outdated venting system that has been replaced in the US. The Japanese installed the same venting system that is in US plants at this facility 7 years ago. LIARS!!! Upside? Some whale sandwich shops have gone BK.

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