If Massachusetts Democratic Primary challenger Ed O’Reilly has a chance to debate incumbent John Kerry, we’ll learn that Kerry is not a Massachusetts Democrat! That’s what’s motivating Kerry’s avoidance of debates.
On every major issue, John Kerry fails to uphold MA Democratic platform and principles. Here’s a quick summary:
1) Single-Payer Health Care: The Democratic Party gave the country the original single payer systems: Medicaid, Medicare, and the Veterans Health Administration. Massachusetts Democrats continue to advocate for a single payer health system for all citizens. Party Platform
Ed O’Reilly supports single-payer and would sponsor a Senate companion bill to John Conyers’ House bill. John Kerry does not support single-payer and calls for building up the current public/private system (A Call to Service, by John Kerry, p.125-9, Oct 1, 2003), a position he affirmed in 2006 and 2007 in a statement entitled “Health care for all Americans”:
What I put forward in 2004 works. It was a good plan then, and it’s a good plan now.
The URL for this statement http://www.johnkerry.com/2006/7/31/health-care-for-all-americans is now redirected to the Kerry home page. This change happened shortly after O’Reilly’s website criticized Kerry’s opposition to single-payer last year.
2) Withdrawal from Iraq: The Massachusetts Democratic Party supports the withdrawal of all U.S. Armed Forces, contractors and sub-contractors; closing of bases; reorganization of reconstruction activities; promotion of a United Nations-led peacekeeping mission; and limiting of U.S. funding to withdrawal and consultations with the Iraqi Government and other governments. Party Resolution
Ed O’Reilly supports the MA Dem position. John Kerry enabled the Iraq invasion, then waffled as he tried to catch up to polls against the war. He continues to waffle on related issues: for example — troop leave-time and maximum deployment; Iran policy.
3) Marriage Equality: MA Dems affirm a commitment to the Massachusetts constitutional guarantee to same-sex marriage; and all of its rights, privileges and obligations; and reject any attempt to weaken or revoke those rights. Platform
Ed O’Reilly is a firm supporter of marriage equality. John Kerry said the MA Dem commitment to marriage equality was a mistake.
4) Fair Taxes: The MA Dem Platform supports tax equity. Platform
Ed O’Reilly strongly criticized the Democratic failure to close the hedge fund tax loophole in 2007. John Kerry refused to support closing the hedge fund tax loophole, suggesting the hedge funds be given a ten-year grace period before the loophole is closed:
According to one lobbyist (who doesn’t work for the firms), two prominent Boston-based firms that are members of the Private Equity Council–Bain Capital Private Equity and Thomas H. Lee Partners–have been lobbying Kerry hard on the issue. Moreover, FEC data indicate that not long after closing the loophole was first proposed back in April, a number of Bain private equity partners started to make big contributions to Kerry. Partners Josh Bekenstein, Diane Exter and Jonathan Lavine have all given in excess of $4,000 each to the Kerry Senate campaign fund. Bain’s mananging director, Mark Nunnelly, and two staffers have also all maxed out to Kerry this cycle with $4,600 each to his Senate campaign.