Graduate Research Team

Tihitina (Titi) Bekele

Titi is a second-year student enrolled in the Developmental Science PhD program. She is originally from Ethiopia. Her focus lies in the realm of disabilities, particularly autism. Titi finds joy in interacting with children and serves at KidsWorld at First Baptist Church on Sundays.

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Undergraduate Research Team

Abi Keefe (’25)

Abi is a Junior Psychology Major and is pursuing a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities and Human Services along with a Certificate in Social Work. Abi hopes to pursue a Masters in Social Work and eventually work as a psychotherapist with families who are affected by disability.

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Amanda Towns (’25)

Amanda is an undergraduate Psychology major who intends to pursue a master’s in Clinical Psychology. She hopes to have a career in research and is interested in studying ASD.

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Ana Isabella Flores (’24)

Isabella is majoring in Psychology and a part of the DDHS (Developmental Disabilities and Human Services) Program at UMass Amherst. Her career goals is to become a psychotherapist towards families impacted disabilites and adolescents impacted by mental illness. Isabella is also considering teaching later on in life as well! She also likes Legos and video games.

Picture of Ella Ford. White woman smiling with brown curly hair.

Ella Ford (’26)

Ella is a Sophomore Honors Psychology and Community Education Double Major and is pursuing a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities & Human Services. Upon, graduation Ella hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a focus in autism studies.

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Grace Coon (’26)

Grace is a Sophomore Neuroscience Major with a focus on disability education in medicine. Upon graduation, she is hoping to attend physician assistant school and pursue a career in neurology.

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Gianna Smith (’26)

Gianna is an Honors Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Major with a Minor in Psychology and is pursuing a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities & Human Services. She is passionate about supporting and enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities and is eager to begin her honors thesis focused on disability. Upon graduation, she plans to further her education by attending graduate school in pursuit of a MA in Speech-Language Pathology.

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Giuseppe Tra (’27)

Giuseppe is an undergraduate psychology major on the general track. They are interested in the efficacy of different psychotherapy modalities, as well the influence of common factors on patient outcomes. After graduation they hope to continue their education and eventually work in clinical psychology.

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Isidora Carcamo (’27)

Isidora is an Honors Psychology Major and plans to Minor in Education. Working at a preschool and babysitting has inspired her to pursue a Ph.D in Developmental Psychology upon graduation.

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John Myers (’27)

John is a Freshman Psychology Major with a Minor in Anthropology. He has a passion for various forms of psychological research. John spends his free time creating art, practicing mindfulness, and exploring the outdoors. Upon graduation, he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology and aims to become a Psychology Professor.

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Kaitlin Flaherty (’27)

Kaitlin is an Honors Public Health and Psychology Double major. Her interests in this field began when she interned an occupational therapist in a public school system. She hopes to continue working with children in the future by focusing on developmental psychology and mental health counseling. 

Katja Szturma (’27)

Katja is a psychology major on the neuroscience track with a passion in cognitive psychology. Volunteering with Best Buddies and TopSoccer, a program that teaches children with disabilities how to play soccer has inspired her to conduct research in psychology surrounding adolescents. Her goal is to work to become either a therapist or psychiatrist for the postgraduate future.

Lydia Cohen (’26)

Lydia is a Sophomore Psychology Major and is pursuing a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities and Human Services. Lydia hopes to pursue a Master’s Degree in Social Work or Education and eventually work with autistic children and their families in the future.

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Sophie Hoffmann (’24)

Sophie is a Senior Biology Major with Minors in Psychology & Spanish and is pursuing a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities & Human Services. Upon graduation, Sophie will be pursuing a master’s in Clinical Social Work and after that hopes to earn her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Sophie is interested in working with autistic children and their families, in both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

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Principal Investigator

Ashley Woodman received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology from McGill University. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology from Boston College. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at the Waisman Center (University of Wisconsin-Madison). She is currently the Program Director for the Developmental Disabilities and Human Services (DDHS) program and Senior Lecturer in Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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