October 1, 2020

Upcoming Events

The UMass Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence Program and the Department of Microbiology are hosting workshops on inclusive classroom practices on Oct. 6 & 9. The workshops will be facilitated by Dr. Bryan Dewsbury from the University of Rhode Island, who is a nationally recognized scholar on inclusivity in academia. More information is available here.

Tuesday, October 6 @ 12 pm Keynote address: The revolution will be backward designed – inclusive practices in the higher education classroom.

Tuesday, October 6 @ 2:30 – 4 pm Workshop 1: A Chance at birth – power, privilege, and their impacts on the higher ed classroom.

Friday, October 9 @ 10:30 am – 12 pm Workshop 2: We are talking about practice! – Considering specific strategies in your classroom.

Register for these events online here.

September 24, 2020

Upcoming Events

Dipika Nandi, a graduate student in VASCI, and the VASCI Department are sponsoring a virtual screening of the film Picture a Scientist. The film follows the research careers of three scientists: biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring. The trailer for the film is available here.

Register here to receive a personal access key, which will allow you to watch the film anytime from September 27 – 30.

Following the screening, a panel discussion including Dean Tricia Serio and representatives of the BTP and CBI training programs will discuss the film and Women in STEM more generally. You can access that discussion using this Zoom link.

September 16, 2020

Upcoming Events

NSB faculty member Dr. Karine Fenelon has organized an Anti-Racism Faculty Development Series, which will meet for the first time on Friday, Sept. 25 at 12 pm.

The first session of the workshop will be led by Dr. Vanessa Prosper, and will cover Engaging in active listening and uncomfortable conversations. Faculty members in the UMass IDGPs and Biology Department who are interested in participating in this workshop can sign up here.

Dr. Vanessa Prosper
Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychologist trained at McGill University, Boston College, and Boston’s Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Prosper was an instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School before starting her private practice in Boston. Currently, she is an Adjunct Professor at Boston College, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology and Lesley University. Her area of expertise is Child, Adolescent and Adult mental health as depicted in her recent talks entitled: “Identifying, recognizing and dismantling racism” at Boston Arts Academy and “Helping young children cope with Covid-19.”

Socially Just Science

Socially Just Science (SJS) is a trainee-led collective of scientists in the NSB program at UMass. It was started by graduate student Kate Otter in the fall of 2019 with the goal of discussing the intersection of science with social justice. This collective is open to all members of the NSB community. More information about the mission, goals, and structure of SJS are available here.

This semester, SJS will:
– Run a second iteration of their “Making our Science Racially Just” Workshop, which they piloted over the summer.
– Pilot a second workshop in the series.
– Facilitate monthly discussions with guest speakers, including a discussion on Social Justice-informed outreach with guest speakers.

Register here to participate as either a Core Member or an Interested Member (read more about the tiers of membership in SJS here).

September 8, 2020

Upcoming Events

The UMass Office of Inclusion and Engagement is hosting a faculty workshop called Supporting Graduate Students of Color at UMass Amherst. This workshop is on Thursday, September 10 from 2:30 – 4 pm. Pre-registration for the event is required here.

Drs. Jonique Childs and Kirsten Helmer

The UMass Center for Teaching and Learning is hosting a faculty training called Implicit Bias and Microaggressions in the College Classroom. This event will be facilitated by Drs. Jonique Childs and Kirsten Helmer. It is on Tuesday, September 15 from 11:30 am – 1 pm. Information about the event and registration can be found on the CTL website.

September 3, 2020

Upcoming Event

The Women of Color in Psychology Network has their first meeting of the semester on Monday, September 7 at 3 pm. The primary purpose of this network is to connect scholars with a community that fosters growth and empowerment. If you are interested in joining the network, join through the Zoom link above.

NSB Book Club

Members of the NSB Anti-Racism Task Force are now reading What if I Say the Wrong Thing? 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People by Vern? Myers. This book is also currently being read and discussed in the UMass Learning Communities. Vern? Myers’ TED talk about overcoming bias is available online here.

Join the Discussion

Are you also interested in discussing What if I Say the Wrong Thing? with members of the NSB community? Fill out this form (note: requires a UMass email address to complete) and we will connect you with other NSB members also interested in forming a discussion group. To support active participation among all group members, we suggest keeping the groups small.

Looking for another book?

We recommend White Rage by Dr. Carol Anderson, which we discussed in August.