Late night surfing and found a gread review on Good Reads for Whale Road by Phillipa Jamieson (she interviewed me when I was fresh off the plane in NZ for book tour and totally jet-lagged, she was very sweet about it!). She originally wrote the piece for the New Zealand Herald. Great to see it up there. Now have to find the next two mss a home, then figure out what to do with Whale Road next:

Phillipa Jamieson,  New Zealand Herald

Phillipa Jamieson, New Zealand Herald

Philippa‘s review

Jul 15, 2012
Read in August, 2004

Review published in the New Zealand Herald, 21 August 2004

THE WHALE ROAD                                                                                                      [Random House NZ (Vintage Books), 2004; Blake UK, 2006]
by D.K. McCutchen

Reviewed by Philippa Jamieson

The Whale Road

The Whale Road

In the heyday of whaling in the South Pacific, the quarry was so numerous as to form what was described as a black road in the sea. In 1992, ten years after whaling was banned, a scientific expedition set off from Tahiti on a voyage around the Pacific to New Zealand, following the ‘whale road’, to establish whale numbers, and gather other information. Deborah McCutchen, an American, joined the crew as a nanny for the two children of the captain and his wife. Also on board are the First Mate, a saucy Swiss woman, and Simon, a New Zealander.

The Whale Road is a montage of snapshots, layered together in a colourful album of words. There are diary excerpts and ship’s log entries; there is myth, story, and fascinating facts about whales. Deborah McCutchen’s words are interrupted from time to time by her shipmate Simon’s unmistakably Kiwi colloquialisms. The journey ends in Aotearoa, where the author has more encounters with wildlife, does a research project on Hector’s dolphins and marries a New Zealander.
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