Canal longboatThis is not Byrdcliffe, by the way (no kidding). This is the Canal boat I dream of sailing down the Erie Canal with Tim and the girls in order to finish ICE. It is going well so far! First third is in rough draft form (Thank you Birdcliffe Residency) and I’m working on the second third now, though may not finish before my residency ends. But I am averaging 7.8 pages a day, not a record, but close to my personal best. (After editing that changes significantly of course). The last third will have my protagonist boating down the Erie to the Hudson (as the world thaws), and finally around the coast to a much changed, near future Boston (the setting for JELLYFISH DREAMING, which will also be revised again as soon as possible).

Writing is good. Though I am always intrigued by how — as I take species out of my future world — I also lose language. How can Sandburg’s fog come, for instance, “on little cat feet” if cats haven’t existed for decades?

Update June 1: Two pages edited, plus 15 new, which I edited late last night. NOW we’re cooking with gas!

July 11: up to 200+ pages. But why am I counting? That can’t be a good sign, can it? Maybe working moms need to know they are producing something substantial for their art.

Finished the full rough draft July 25th! 300 pages. Sent off to my dear Copy Editor, Mike, and then started editing on my own. Mike says don’t send it out until he’s done with it, and he’s right, I’ve already found a boatload of changes to make. But it is hard not to trumpet it out to the world! I’mmmmm DONE! (Even if I’m not).

And now, to edit.

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